Chapter 2 : The Darknight Hero (NSFW)

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"Alright. I have to go visit Master Diluc now. You guys can spend the night here. The three of you can share the bed. I'll sleep on the floor. I won't take long.", I tell them as I prepare to leave. 

Venti asks, "Why do you need to see him anyways? Didn't you just see him at Angel's share?" 

"I have to give him something." 

" have to give him something so late at night? There could only be one thing. You're finally planning on giving him your virginity, eh?", Venti says mischievously. 

His comment seemed have flustered Aether and he pretended not to hear anything. Paimon was already fast asleep on the bed. I gave Venti an unamused look before leaving. Sadly his comment did sting. I always had someone to warm my bed in my past life. I've been so focused on preparing for the Traveler I didn't even have the time to think about these things here. Moreover, I just wasn't comfortable enough to do it in a woman's body even though I've gotten used to it now. Whatever, I have bigger things to worry about now. Diluc had just come out of the winery when I reached there. Ah, what a good timing.

"So what did you need?", he asks. 

I summon the claymore I forged him. Handing him the weapon I say, "Give it a few swings!" 

"Huh....this's incredible. Where did you get this?" 

"Um....I forged it. I made it just for you." 

"I knew you worked for Wagner but I never knew you'd be so good at it."

"Awh, you flatter me. I'm glad you like it though."

" long did it take you to get the materials?"

"Hmmm....I started working on finding them right after that incident."

I accidentally stumbled into some events that the Traveler was supposed be a part of in the original game, including the Darknight Hero event. I was getting ready leave Mondstadt after a commission when I saw some enemies at the back entrance of the city. I went to report it to Huffman so the Knights could investigate how they got here. He handed me the letter from the Abyss order after that. I already started hearing the rumours surrounding the Darknight Hero at that time. So I knew what I had walked into. I figured it was time I made a weapon for him. It took me weeks to gather the things necessary for forging it. I had to beat up a LOT of Pyro Regisvines and Hypostates. But now it all paid off.

"You made this just for me? Why?", he asks.

"Well you're Mondstadt's secret protector, you definitely deserve a good weapon. Moreover, I don't need a reason to gift a friend.", I grin at him.

"I-, um...", he faces difficulties finding the words. Oh my gosh. Is he shy?! This is gold.

I get up. "Well, I won't take up any more of your time. I'll be heading back."

"Oh? Leaving so soon?"

"Yes, I have guests waiting for me at home. Take it easy now, Master Diluc. Mondstadt is under another vigilante's protection as well.", I say giving his shoulder a light squeeze. I wave at him and walk away. 

After I've made sure he's entered the winery, I make my way back to the entrance. I noticed an abyss mage lurking around the building while I was chatting with him. I don't want to alarm anyone so I stuck to the shadows and continued looking. Found it. It seemed to have noticed me as well. It was too far for me to strike my sword with. I used my cryo powers to create a spike on the ground and hit it before it could make a shield. I charged towards it but I didn't notice another mage lurking behind it. Before I could strike, it aimed pyro magic at me, burning my shoulder. Oof, that's gonna hurt. The impact made me stumble back. However, I managed to summon a spiky vine using dendro, trapping them both. Immediately after that I see a phoenix coming from behind me, knocking out the mages. 

Sᴇᴄᴏɴᴅᴀʀʏ Pʀᴏᴛᴀɢᴏɴɪsᴛ║𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐭Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ