Chapter 1

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The man cry out as he abruptly sat up in bed, sweating profusely. He had had the same dream again, or should he call it a recurring nightmare? It had been four years since the accident that had claimed the love of his life, but the feelings still lingered, haunting him even in his sleep. That was why he hated sleeping alone, afraid of experiencing the same nightmare over and over again.

"Ugh," he groaned, holding his aching head. He blinked several times, looking around the room, and realized he was in their bedroom, on their bed. The same bed that held many memories he cherished and remembered. He sobbed as he recalled the memories they made together. He now usually slept with his son, so how did he end up here? He couldn't remember.

"C-come b-ba-back to m-me, Koo," he whimpered, chanting the same words over and over again.

Oh, how cruel the world was to take his love away from him. What had he done to deserve such fate? Had he done a gruesome things in his past life to suffer like this? Oh, how much he wanted to just end his misery, to end his life, but he couldn't, he shouldn't. Now, there was someone who depended on him, and that was their son, Kim Jeongukk. The apple of the love he and his past lover made, the one who held him back from ending his own life. He was his own happy pill and strength to keep on going, to keep on fighting, to not give up. He would do anything to give his son a happy future, just like what they promised with his lover, and he wouldn't back away from fulfilling their promise.

A click was heard inside the room as the door opened, revealing a short male in his pajamas carrying his favorite bunny plushie while rubbing his sleepy eyes by the back of his hand. The kid had been sleeping peacefully in his room when he heard a familiar shout and cry. The ear piercing sound startled him, causing him to wake up. When he opened his eyes, he didn't see his mama beside him as usual, so he got worried. He got up from his bed, went out of the room, and looked for his mother. The young boy was feeling apprehensive, that something must have happened to his mama as the crying sound grew louder. So he followed it and found out it was coming from inside his parents' room.

He hoped his mama was in there and doing fine. And he was right as he found his mama inside, sitting on the bed with his back against the headboard, hugging his knees while sobbing. The sight made his small heart ache. He then crawled onto the bed, went to the side of his mama, and hugged him, surprising the crying male.

"Mama why awre wu cwaying?" the kid spoke with his soft voice, his eyes glistening with tears, feeling a deep agony for the male in his arms. He raised his small chubby hands to wipe his mama's tears away.

The action caught the male's attention , feeling touched by his son doing. The young boy always see through him, if he was down or happy, and if he needed comfort, he would always be there for him, ready to cheer up his mama, just like what his lover always did when he saw him down. His son surely inherited from his father, which was why he named him after his father. From his attitude to his face, he really resembled his father's face. They were really the same. This thought made the brunette smile unconditionally. He was so glad that he had someone like his son in this cruel world. He didn't regret even a bit of giving birth to him. Jeongukk was the miracle that made him happy until now.

He also know that if his son will be taken away from him then it will be his final end. A life where he's not with people he cherish and loved the most would not be enough reason to live. His life would be useless and full of blue and gray without them.

The kid look at his mama confused as he see him smiling while there are still tears falling from his eyes.


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