Chapter 7

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Taehyung's mind was filled with a cacophony of voices, calling out to him.




The calls echoed through his thoughts, jolting his heart into a rapid rhythm.

Why was he feeling this way? What was this strange sensation?

Confusion clouded his expression, etching a frown on his forehead.


"Baby, wake up."

That voice-it felt so familiar. Deep and husky, yet soothing.

It reminded him of someone dear to him.


Who... Who are you?

Determined to find out, Taehyung stirred, gradually opening his eyes. He rubbed them with a slow motion of his fist, trying to clear the blurred vision.

A gasp escaped his lips as he took in the sight before him. Standing there was a guy with dark hair and eyes that expressed a deeply familiar emotion. The gaze fixed on Taehyung with affection, just like always. The man had a prominent nose, pink lips that curved into a bunny-like smile. Yes, Taehyung knew him all too well.

It was his lover, the one who meant the world to him, the one he adored-Koo, his Han Hyunkook.

Without wasting another moment, Taehyung rose and threw himself into his lover's lap, clinging onto him with desperation. The sudden gesture caught Hyunkook off guard. Taehyung's arms wrapped around his neck while his legs dangled on either side. He held onto his lover as tightly as he could, fearing that if he let go, Hyunkook would vanish into thin air.

Confusion washed over Hyunkook as he found himself embraced by his lover, uncertain of what was happening and why Taehyung was acting so strangely. He hesitantly raised his arms, wrapping them around Taehyung's waist.

"Baby... What's wrong?" he managed to utter, his voice trailing off as he heard sobs emanating from Taehyung.


The sound pierced through the air, leaving Hyunkook stunned as he witnessed his lover sobbing uncontrollably, shoulders shaking violently.

"Petal, is something troubling you?"

He stayed still, his body going stiff as the brunette continued to cry, making him increasingly anxious and worried.

"Hey, pup, what's making you cry like this? Come here and tell me," he said, his voice gentle.

However, he received no response as the brunette only cried harder, tightening his hold and making it difficult for the male to breathe.

"I... I can't... breathe... baby..."

The guy managed to say amidst his struggle, prompting Taehyung to loosen his grip and back away slightly while still keeping him close.

"I'm sorry. Are you okay?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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