Leafy's Death?

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(Firey's pov)

"Leafy!" I said as I held her in my arms. "P-Please don't leave me!" I was crying it stinged and I wanted to stop but the tears kept flowing. I could feel myself slowing fading and turning into a puddle of water and smoke but I just ignored it " Don't leave me!! I love you!!" I just begged but I just turned into a puddle...

(Coiny's pov)

"Oh no..." I said. Pin was hiding behind me we we're watching this happen we wanted to do something but couldn't "L-Leafy? Firey?..." Pin says she wanted to help I could tell. "Pin..."
"I have a idea on how to bring him back without recovering but it might sound stupid...are you in?" I say but still wonder if it might work.. and if it does we have to do it quick. "Yes, I'm in, anything to bring my friends back..."
Great. "Okay, so I have this flamethrower and maybe if we use it over the water and smoke it will bring him back." I said while she just stares at me "Coiny-" "I know! It's dumb but it's worth a shot."
She sighs "Okay let's do this."

*Time skip*

(Firey's pov)

What happened....? There's no time for questions you have to find Leafy. I was thinking these thoughts until I was cut off by someone "Firey? Are you awake?" She sounded like Pin I open my eyes "H-Huh?" Where am I?..." I said until I realized. I sprinted towards Pin and yelled " WHERE IS LEAFY you little-" Pin panicked and quickly said " She's with Coiny! Please don't hurt me!!" I just stared at her until I ran away.

(Coiny's pov)

I was just standing there waiting for Leafy
wake up she had bandages over her head and body I was about to check up on her but then- " FUCK OFF COINY!!" Firey came out of nowhere and yelled at me "Woah! Calm down Fir-" I was about to say something but he punched me " I AM CALM YOU SHITHEAD!!!" That punch really hurt.

(Leafy's pov)

My heads ringing and everything hurts but I hear something loud so I force myself to wake up "m..m" "Ugh" I open my eyes and see firey punching Coiny "Firey! No stop!!" "Are you trying to kill him you dum-dum!!"
I yell at him, I'm worried...

(Coiny's pov)

Leafy woke up? Ouch my face... "I didn't do anything Leafy!!" Firey Said trying to ignore the fact THAT HE PUNCHED ME! Yea sure you did nothing you son of a-

(Leafy's pov)

I run up to firey and held his face "What's up with you, and you're eye...?" I try to ask him because he has a glowing red X on his left eye. I'm confused... " I-It's nothing... L-Let go..." He replies...."O-Okay.."
Hey guys! End of the first chapter here, I'm not the best writer at all so it's probably not the best but hey atleast I tried!?

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