He's Different...

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(I didn't know what to put as the photo so yea deal with that)

(Leafy's pov)

I was just staring at nothing because there was much to look at and that's just being honest.
I started to get bored so I went to go look for Firey......OMG "FIREY!!" I yelled I can't believe what I just saw! Firey was killing Coiny!!! "Oh, hello! My lovely Leafy..~" He answered me like he wasn't even MURDERING Coiny!! "Stay away from me! YOU MONSTER!!" I yelled back at him while I ran away but he said one more thing before I left "So...I'm some kind of Monster?" He said that with a really insane looking confused faced and watched me run away from him " AAAH HELP!!" I yelled for someone to help running as far from him as possible.

(Lollipop's pov)

I saw Leafy yelling for help and asked "Leafy? What's wrong?" Leafy looked at me and quickly said "Firey... He hurt Coiny... He's different..." She has teary eyes I could've swore I heard of something like this... someone told me... that I- Yes! That was it! I quickly asked "Did Firey have some sort of X on his eye?" Leafy looked at me kind of confused "Y-Yeah? He did..." She replied. I inhaled ready to tell her everything " He's possessed. That X makes him very aggressive, the real Firey must be dead, trapped, or unconscious. Who knows...but we can fix it. Follow me." I told her. "How do you kn-"
"Just follow me."
255 words! This story is close to an end! Because it was obviously supposed to be a short one from the start...but thanks for reading! If you guys like this book maybe I will make another object show book!

Possession Obsession (A Fireafy BFB AU)Where stories live. Discover now