Fuel for the kid Icarus fandom. yes it's more headcanons

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Currently begging Palutena for a dog. 

Best one at Mario kart out of all the kid Icarus cast. 

He likes fnaf security breach, his favorite animatronic is Freddy. 

Occasionally goes to visit Magnus. 

Professional enjoyer of Ratatouille.


Despises carrots. 

Let Pit watch Animals of farthing woods//you know, you know//, she now has to watch each show before showing it to either of the Pits. 

Even after Pit was scarred by the above, she does not check the shows she lets Pit watch. 

Managed to make it through ALL of everywhere at the end of time. 

Dark Pit:

Stealer of Pit's pencils. There's no motivation to this he just enjoys mildly inconveniencing people. 

Has a shit ton of weird shit on his phone. 

Owns several different animals, most notable being his rabbit, snake, and rats. Pit got to name the rabbit, it's Bun Bun. 

He actually refuses to curse most of the time. 

//Not headcanons but small design notes I want people to notice: Dark Pit's wings are sharper compared to Pit's wings, and his wings are a dark teal. I do not care what the game model says or the figures, you can't tell me that isn't teal//


Stealer of kneecaps. 

Enjoys stealing Dark Pit's rats. 

Was a vsco girl at one point. She still uses the hydro flask sometimes. 

The culprit to Pit getting into fnaf.

Has committed arson at one point. She burned down a Walmart. 


He to enjoys animal crossing, all of the underworld army share the island. It's pure chaos there. 

Helped Virdi commit arson, by mainly supplying the gasoline. 

Watches frog videos in his spare time. 


Adopted the little girl from chapter 18. 

I'm out of headcanons for the moment! I'll try and think of more some other time

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