"My little string bean"

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Tw: body image issues

Summary: stinky cannibal wanna ask sad bitch out, sad bitch got body images issues and stinky cannibal loves him a wholesome amount. Fuck you, Zachmand otp.


Nights in the Louisiana bayou were always beautiful. The fireflies, the crickets, the ambiance in and of itself was just perfect for a romantic night. Gaston Gourmand certainly thought so, humming and singing merrily to himself as he whipped up a fine dinner for him and Zach. The bigger man stopped, olive eyes fluttering closed as he sighed dreamely. He and Zach had been... well "dating" for a few months now, and Gaston was finally getting up the courage to ask the whiny little man to be his boyfriend. Officially. They should be dating by now anyways, he thought with a chuckle, seeing as how they've been friends with 'special benefits' for a while now. They've already seen each other without any clothes on more than one occasion. Laying tired and undone in each other's arms, feeling safe and secure like they never had before. So safe and warm, it could be the end of the world and they wouldn't move from each other's warmth.

Gaston blushed as he continues cooking. He had never felt more happy than he was with Zach. Such a gorgeous man. Oh sure he was annoying and insufferable a lot of the time, and of course he could be an obnoxious little prick, but that really didn't matter to the chef. To him, that just made Zach perfect! His tiny little feisty string bean. Gaston smiled wider as he hummed, a little happy bounce in his step as he finished cooking that delicious meal that they were going to share. His perfect little string being was going to love this!


Zach hated it. He hated what he saw as he started at his shirtless form. His eyes teared up as his hands hesitantly touch his pudgie stomach. He thought he looked gross. Disgusting. The rest of him was still as skinny as a twig! How did this keep happening!? How did he let this happen again!?! Every time he tried to put on just a little more weight it always went to his stomach and nowhere else! He knew he was probably eating too much, but God be damned if Gaston's cooking was simply so delicious! He just couldn't resist. Perhaps Gaston could cook some different food, or maybe he could make a salads instead, or-

His face blushed furiously as he looked in shame. It wasn't Gaston's fault his body was ugly, his mind told him. What he cooked was completely fine, if it's anyone's fault he looked so disgusting it was Zach's own. Zach could feel himself gag as he turned away from the mirror, the words 'disgusting' and 'gross' kept running around in this head like some type of fucked up relay race.

He hadn't noticed the delicious wonderful smells that had drifted throughout the entire shack, didn't hear Gaston's deep voice singing his name beautifully from the kitchen. He was only focused on how he could hide his disgusting stomach. Perhaps if he pushed on it and tried to suck it in he could somehow mold his stomach back to its original shape? He knew that was impossible, but he was desperate for a solution. He hated looking like this. He hated that every time he wanted to be something other than a pathetic twig his body decides to betray him and give him some nasty pot belly instead. He felt so ugly. He couldn't stop the few tears that slid down his face.

He hated feeling like this.

"Zachyyyy, dinner's ready my little honey bun!" Gaston's voice finally reached his ears and he panicked. Zach's eyes darted around the room, frantically searching for his black sweater. His breathing hitched as he heard the bigger man stop outside the door.

"Zachy," Gaston called as he knocked gently, "I called your name several times, are you all right in there?" Zach stuttered as he tried his best to say anything to keep the man out.

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