thirty-five | super spy

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At lunch, JJ closed her office and called the therapist. You made a call, and you were going to speak with the prosecutor the following Monday.

Emily saw you somewhat distressed when you returned to your desk, and asked, "Okay, what's going on with you? We haven't talked too much lately, you need to keep me apprised. How are you?"

"Not fantastic. I have to testify against my fiancé, morning sickness is shitty, and I'm always tired, physically and mentally. But it's gonna be okay. Once Levi's out of the picture, I think things will get better. are you?"

"I'm alright. What can I do for you?"

You bit your lip. "Honestly?" Emily nodded.

"I'll do whatever I can. What is it?"

"I love Jayje and Henry to death, but I need physical contact with someone other than them. Can I just have a hug?" you laughed. Emily cracked up.

"Come here." You embraced as though you would never see her again, as though one of you would fall into a bottomless abyss. "I love you, idiot," she said next to your ear.

"I love you more, dumbass."

JJ was smiling from halfway across the bullpen. She came over and said, "Appointment for Wednesday at six. She had a cancellation. Other than that, she's booked out for two weeks. I made another appointment for two weeks from now, 'cause I don't want to not be able to schedule,"

"Good," you said with a smile.

"An appointment?" asked Emily. JJ nodded.

"Yeah. For me, not her. It's nothing." She looked down and crossed her arms.

"Alright. Long as everything's okay," said Emily.

Throughout the afternoon, JJ would send you little texts to see if you were okay. You would always smile at your phone and respond that you were fine.

When you two went home, you picked up Henry from daycare. He jumped up into JJ's arms; he missed his mom and his aunt all day. He was needy and tired, since he apparently hadn't had a nap that afternoon. He wasn't really listening when JJ asked, "Would you mind watching him Wednesday while I go?"

"No, of course not, honey," you said, "we'll hang out, I'll make dinner,"

"I'll be home by 7:30, at the latest,"

"I can get him in bed if need be. Don't you worry, Jennifer, I can definitely handle this," you chuckled. She smiled, keeping her eyes on the road.

"Thank you, baby. I'm lucky to have you." JJ rested her hand on your thigh. You put your hand atop hers, stroking it with your thumb. A moment passed. "You good?"

"I'm good," you answered. "Just happy to be here with you."

Henry was asleep by the time you got home. JJ picked him up and brought him into bed. When she came back out, you were curled up on the couch with a blanket over you, your head on a pillow against the couch arm. JJ smiled and said, "Someone looks tired,"

"Yeah. Come sit." JJ sat at your feet and threw the residual blanket over herself. She put her hand on your upper leg and stroked you absentmindedly. "Jen?"


"I love you, sweetheart,"

"I love you too, hon. Do you need a nap too?" You nodded and got more comfortable. "Go into bed if you want. I can wake you up a little later for dinner, if you're still sleeping. Go lay down, love,"

"Yeah? You sure?" you wondered. JJ nodded and smiled.

"Yeah, I won't let you sleep too long. You're practically asleep here on the couch, at least go lay in bed where you'll be more comfortable." You pulled yourself up and sat beside her. You had to fight against your closing eyes. JJ almost seemed amused as she put her hand on your back. "Give me a kiss," she said. You turned and kissed her, feeling her left hand still sitting on your lower back and her right grazing your cheek. You rested your foreheads against one another when you finally stopped kissing. With her eyes still closed and her mouth curled into a smile, JJ murmured, "Kissing you is one of my favorite things, baby,"

"Coincidentally, I feel the exact same way about you, sweetheart," you replied. JJ gave you another, quicker kiss, marked with a grin, and ran her hand up and down your lower back.

"I love you. Get some sleep,"

"Love you too."

You dragged yourself into bed and fell asleep before you even got under the blankets. In a little over an hour and a half, you were rattled awake by your favorite little boy.

"Auntie, Auntie! Wake up! We gonna have dinner! Mommy making lasagna! There gonna be garlic bread! We gotta get up from naps and have dinner with Mommy!"

"Whoa...whoa...whoa...buddy..." You saw JJ standing in the doorway, and gave Henry a silly sly smile. You lowered your voice and asked, "Did Mommy send you here to be a super secret spy and wake me up?" Henry grinned and nodded, putting his hands up close to his mouth. "Come here. I have a plan." You grabbed him and you both hid on your bellies under the blankets. Henry giggled. "We're hiding from Mommy, shh,"

"Shh," he echoed, putting his tiny finger to your lips and then to his own.

JJ put on a theatrical voice loud enough for you two to hear. "Now, where did my sweet boy go? My two loves, they just disappeared! My goodness, they're gone! I think I just have to lie down...on my bed..." You felt her sit, and you looked at Henry and laughed silently. "...and wait for them to come back!" JJ fell back, on your legs and Henry's feet. Henry poked his head out of the other end of the blanket, and you instantly followed.

"Mommy, we're here!" he shouted.

"Oh, there you are! I've been looking for you two!"

"You sat on my feet!"

"Really? Do you think we need to cut 'em off?" she asked, tickling him devilishly.

"No!" he exclaimed.

"Then I think we're okay. Come on, my loves, it's almost time for dinner."

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