thirty-six | mcdonald's

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You and Henry had a nice evening on Wednesday. JJ texted you when she was about to leave, and you called her as she was on her way home.

"Hey," she said.

"Hey, baby. Henry's in bed. How're you?" you asked.

"I'm good. Thank you again for watching him tonight,"

"Oh, Jay, it's no problem. I like hanging out with him. We had grilled cheeses for dinner, in case you were wondering. Contrary to popular belief, I do know how to cook," you laughed. "How was your appointment?"

"Good. I'm glad I went. It's gonna be good for me,"

"Oh, that's good, baby, I'm glad,"

"I think I'm just gonna stop at McDonald's on the way home. I'm too drained to cook. Do you want anything?"

"Uh...fries and a strawberry-banana smoothie? That okay?"

"Whatever you want, love. I'll be home around...uh, in, like, a half-hour. Love you,"

"Love you too, sweetheart."

A while later, you heard her come in and smiled as she walked through the hall. She set her purse down on the counter and the McDonald's bag on the table. You came over and kissed her right before she said, "Hey, Y/N,"

"Hey, Jen. Ooh, still warm," you said about the fries. She chuckled. "What'd you get?"

"Chicken sandwich and fries. Here's your stuff," she said, pushing it over to you.

"Thank you, dear," you said with a smile, as though you were an old married couple. She kissed your cheek. "How was your appointment? I know I asked you that on the phone, but..."

"It was good, baby. It was a little overwhelming at first, saying everything all as one— like, one thing, but it was good. It was good to get it all out of my head for once, you know?"

"Yeah." You sipped your smoothie. "You'll always know how much I love you, sweetheart. Right? And I'm always here for you. You're the love of my life, Jennifer." You grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it. JJ smiled and did the same to your hand.

"I'll always know, baby. I love you too."

You ate quietly until JJ finished, as you didn't have as much to eat as her. You threw away the trash as JJ was finishing up. Instead of sitting back down, you came up behind her stool at the counter and wrapped your arms around her waist, clasping your hands in front of her and setting your chin on her shoulder. "You good, babe?" she chuckled.

"Yeah," you murmured. "Just wanna be close to you. Is it okay?"

"Oh, by all means." The smile on her face, reflected in the glass of the microwave across the kitchen, was the most gorgeous sight.

She finished eating her food, and you two got ready for bed. You were tired all the time, and she'd had an exhausting evening in therapy, so neither of you wanted to stay up late. Both of you would rather kiss in bed. And after brushing your teeth, that was exactly what you planned to do. Before you even got to the bed, though, you said, "Jay?" Your hand was in hers, anchoring her relatively close to you. Your girlfriend turned around and raised her eyebrows.


"Kiss me?"

JJ smiled and pulled herself closer to you, so her body was right up against yours. Her soft hands held your upper arms and shoulders so tenderly, and you couldn't stand the thought of her letting go. As you kissed, both of you being sweet and gentle with the other, your arms loosely wrapped themselves around JJ's neck, and her hands migrated down to your waist. "I've always thought you look hot in black," she managed to say in between kisses. "Especially tanktops."

You grinned and chuckled, your voice low. The vibrations sent a wave of heat coursing down JJ's spine. "Every little thing..." You were interrupted by kisses and the breathlessness accompanying them. "About your body, so goddamn good." You moved one hand down and grabbed the back of her thigh, just underneath her ass. "Do you like when I touch you?"

"Hell, yes."

For another moment you kept making out, until you gave a little moan out of it. Both of you were too tired to go on. You could feel it in one another. "Wanna go to bed now, hon?" you chuckled. JJ joined you in your laughter and held your hand as you climbed into her bed.

"That felt really good," she sighed once you got settled. "Was it good for you, too?"

"Oh, god, yeah," you answered. The butterflies in JJ's stomach subsided.

"God, I'm tired," she groaned. "How was Henry today?"

"Such a sweetheart, as always. My favorite little guy.  Not many problems, not even getting him to bed. Very good for me,"

"Oh, that's good. Thank you for watching him, baby,"

"Of course. I love him. And you know that I'd do just about anything for you. It was no big deal, sweetheart,"

"I love you so much." She kissed you, so gently, and said, "I'm exhausted, baby,"

"I know. Go to sleep, my love. I'll be right here." You put your arm around her so you could hold her and make her feel safe. She snuggled in close and put her arm over your waist. "How's this?" you asked.

"So perfect..." she murmured. "Night, babe,"

"Goodnight, Jayje." You kissed the top of her head as she went to sleep. Her breathing evened, her thumb stopped rubbing your side, and she was out. Each time you held her as she slept, you fell infinitely more in love with her.

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