Chapter 16: to a glorious victory. But is it really?

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('Looking back, I didn't like how this chapter was written prior. Here's a new version.')


3rd POV

Back in Kame's house, the world shook as a battle raged on.

Bulma- "what the hell is happening?!?"

Master Roshi- "don't worry. The world is just PMSing. You and the planet have a lot in common."

Bulma smacked Master Roshi.

Master Roshi- "hah, you just proved my point."

Bulma- "hmph."

Master Roshi- "hehe, they never learn."

Later on the battlefield

Vegita had increasingly more and more trouble fighting (Y/n) as he was disappearing and reappearing at random.

Vegita- "Dammit! Hold still!!"

(Y/n)- "nope!"

He teased and kicked her. She growled and started rapidly shooting ki blasts out of her hands in hopes of trying to hit him.

(Y/n)- "Nya Nya! You can't catch me!!"

Then she got an idea.

Vegita- "look over there!!"

She points to a random direction. (Y/n) stops his speedy movement and looks in the direction she points. Vegita quickly takes this opportunity and judo throws him to the ground. He falls like a meteor, cratering the ground around him.

(Y/n)- "ow. That hurt."

A now angry Vegita begins to ascend higher up in the sky. A vein pops out of her head as she wipes the blood from her lip. Her teeth begin grind, the thought of her losing to anyone disgusted her beyond belief.

Vegita- "I've had it! I am royalty, and I REFUSE to be brought down buy a bunch of low class saiyans."

(Y/n) gets out from his crater and dusts himself off. Feeling the aura emitting from his opponent. She points down to him and with a deranged smile says.

Vegita- "you have two choices! Become my thrall or die with the rest of your planet."

His previously happy and joyful demeanor was now replaced with a more serious one. She took that as a no.

Vegita- "fine. Then die like the rest of these useless vermin."

She takes a stance and begins charging up a beam. The crackling of purple aura around her made the surrounding sky darker and cause the ground to shake.

Goki- "(Y/n)!"

The young saiyan looks to his childhood friend. His eyes show sheer determination rather than the happy and innocent gaze he gives everyone. This shocked her and she nodded.

(Y/n)- "Kame!!"

His aura surrounds him as well. The blue light almost rivaling the purple that the princess had shown.

(Y/n)- "Hame!"

The ground around him began to crater. His aura shined a bright red. And with one final shout, the two released their beams.

(Y/n)- "HAAAAA!!"

Vegita- "Gallic gun!!"

The two beams clash. Rocks levitate, light stretches across the land, and shockwaves emit from the beam struggle. It seems as though Vegita is winning as her Galic gun begins to over power (Y/n). His red aura begins to diminish with every waking second. But then, he finally busts it out. His famous, his glorious.

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