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('Welp, I hope you like the most cringe worthy humor ever. Also the harem will expand which is why the first chapter says 'for now'.....oh well. Also also also, I can't stress enough that the characters will act different here.')


3rd POV

After years of quality time with one of his loving wives Chi chi, the others decided to call (Y/n) for a reunion. He was flying on nimbus with his daughter Gohana sitting on his lap. She clung to his arms as the sight of the ocean scared her. He smiled and reassured her that the ocean is friendly and she even tells her that there's a second Gohana on the surface. She giggles and asked him to sing for her. He started singing as she huddled closer to him.

(Y/n)- "🎶we will fight with love and glory!We will live to tell the story!
There is nothing we can't live through, nothing ever dies we will rise again!🎶"

('I like the song dragon soul, if you don't then you can blow me....')

He sees Kame house in the distance.

(Y/n)- "hey look we're finally there.....okay now how do you land this thing."

Nimbus continues at a faster rate.

(Y/n)- "wait wait WAIT!!"

He crashes through the window while holding Gohana tight insuring that she isn't hurt.

(Y/n)- "uuuuuuh.......I made it......"

Master Roshi- "WHAT THE FUCK (Y/N)!! I CALL YOU FOR A REUNION AND THIS IS HOW YOU ENTER!?! ARE YOU STU-.....never I already know the answer to that."

He uncurls and see Gohana on his chest holding tight.

(Y/n)- "hey Gohana, are you alright?"

She opens one eye and then the other before lifting her head up and looking at him.

Gohana- "y-yeah...I think so."

He stand back up and holds her in his arms.

Krillin- "heya (Y/n), who's the kid?"

(Y/n)- "this is Gohana, say hi to krillin."

He put her down but she runs behind his leg.

(Y/n)- "ok maybe later."

Krillin- "so are you babysitting her?"

(Y/n)- "no."

He raises an eyebrow and then he finally understands it. He then goes to him nudges (Y/n) in the shoulder.

Krillin- "so you finally stuck that power pole in Chi chi didn't you. My man!"

(Y/n)- "huh?"

Krillin- "she's your daughter right?"

(Y/n)- "no, she's Gohana."

Krillin rolls his eyes and says.

Krillin- "whatever."

There was a knock at the door. Krillin answers it and in come Bulma and Goki.

Bulma- "sup bitches!"

Goki- "wow, really mature. Hey (Y/n)!"

(Y/n)- "hi Goki!"

She looks down to see Gohana still standing you her father. Goki then squats down and holds her arms out.

Goki- "come on Gohana, give your aunty a big hug."

Gohana hesitantly walks to Goki and she picked up and embraced.

The last male saiyan (a dragon ball harem)Where stories live. Discover now