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Theo walked in as Antares was looking at his ring, Theo closed the door and went and sat in the corner of Antares's room.

Antares-Can I help you?

Theo-I just wanted to be there for a friend.

Antares-Friend, my ass, I never liked you.

Theo-Do you like anyone?

Antares-Luna, Celeste and Pavel, don't tell him I told you that though.

Theo smiled.

Theo-You like all of us, your poison doesn't work on us, remember?

Antares was annoyed.

Theo-But we have one thing in common right?

Antares looked at Theo.

Theo-We both like Luna, we both want what's best for her.

Antares-Go on...

Theo-Now that I know you're her brother...

Antares looked at Theo.

Antares-Did you do something to my sister on your vacation?

Theo-Do you only think about dirty stuff?

Antares-No...most of the time...

Theo looked at him annoyed.

Theo-I want to get your blessing in asking your sister to unite with me.

Antares looked at Theo.

Antares-So...you're serious about this...

Theo smiled.

Theo-Well, it's been a tough ride, you know, we've been apart, we've fought battles, we've been trapped here, and there was the time when I didn't even remember who she was but everything somehow always lead me to her...

Antares-You forgot about the time, when you betrayed us, and then got caught by the fox, and you put her through hell, to the point where she went to Vega and asked to have the memories of you removed from inside her head.

Theo-Yes...we've been through the worst of the worse and that is why I no longer want to run away Antares...I do not have the energy or the will to stay away from Luna...

Antares looked at him.

Antares-Well, I know Luna loves you, I will not stand in the way of my sister's happiness...

Theo smiled.

Antares-I give you my blessing Theo.

Theo smiled as they shook hands...



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