Entry Two

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Matthew Dаnvers was an instantly popular boy from the second he transferred. Ridley High's star quarterback, known for being an advocate for animal rights. A seemingly religious vegan, who'd never cursed before in his life. And what made him ever more so desirable was that he was the lead singer in Farrah County's favorite gospel band.

So you'd understand everyone's surprise when he asked me out in 7th period English.

I had, as always, been sitting in the back of the classroom, listening to whatever drunken playlist I had made the night before (which consisted of a concerning amount of Katy Perry songs) when he approached me. I could sense his presence beside me along with the eyes of the entire classroom, so reluctantly I pulled out an earbud and looked up at him. The moment our eyes met he smiled a depressingly optimistic smile

"You're Charlaine, right?" he asked in a silky tone. I nodded, confusion glinting my eyes. I could hear the whispers from the group of girls he had been sitting with. "Oh, c'mon Matty, leave her alone!" one of them wailed.

"I'm Matthew, but I'm gonna guess you already knew that" he continued. Once again, I nodded, my attention slowly drifting back to the lyrics blasting in my right ear.

"A-anyways, I was wondering if you'd do me the pleasure of going out with me this Saturday?"

I almost didn't hear him under the sound of gasps that flooded the room. He looked so genuine in his request, so I knew that it wasn't some elaborate prank. He sensed my confusion - as it seemed to resonate within him as well. He pulled a sheet of notebook paper from his pocket and awkwardly scribbled his number down. "If you make a decision, please call me?" he asked before walking away.

The second he left every girl in the room began to race towards me, grasping for the paper that contained Matthew Danvers mobile number. I gripped it tightly, stuffing it down my shirt; and in the nick of time, the bell rang signally the end of the school day. I watched everyone leave.... except for Matthew. He smiled at me as he grabbed his bag, and as he walked out my heart began to race. Man, tonight would be wild...


When I got home, the house was empty. Laura and my mom were out on one of their monthly vacations to New Orleans - which meant illegal wonders for the cats and I. I threw my bag down on the kitchen floor, grabbed the vodka from the top of the fridge along with a bag of catnip, and called out for my cats.

Macie and Dallas came racing past me as we made our way to the basement. It stank of catnip and liquor, reminding me that I'd have to call my pal Ernie to deep-clean and restock before the vacation was over. I threw on the light switch, and watched as my neon-sign collection lit up; made only better by the disco ball I installed last weekend. My mom and I established when we moved here that the basement was my domain, but I was always careful to never leave incriminating scents lying around.

Wendy, my tipsy little kitten, perked up as soon as she saw the lights come on. She mewed for Dallas to get her, which he did. I found Wendy in the junkyard about 2 month prior, with a crippled leg and a missing front paw. The vet said that it would really hard for her to get around, but thankfully Dallas adopted her as his own.

I grabbed a box of matches from the drawer, pouring some catnip into a dish and lighting it. Macie pushed the remote towards me, so I switched on her favorite drinking playlist. 'I Knew You Were Trouble' by Taylor Swift came on instantly, and Macie's eyes glowed with delight.

Before I knew it the 4 of us were wasted and high. I don't remember much more, but I do remember running out of my strawberry UNO and that Wendy walked about 20 steps before crashing in pain...

Its a shame I don't remember more

You do know that we already have vital cause to arrest you just with those activities, right? 

Oh. I didn't know giving vodka to cats was a crime

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