Entry Five

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Nobody noticed that I started driving to school instead of skating. Either that, or nobody cared. Matthew still texted me daily, never once mentioning the car. After a few days - and even more drinks- I found myself ignoring the fact that it had ever been his. I wasn't the girl to do anything illegal enough that I would get pulled over, and even then the registration was in the glove compartment where it belonged.

Ernie came over that Monday after school to restock and deep-clean in exchange for me letting him take the Eldorado to the next town over for a vape meet - and seeing as I was broke and desperate I agreed. Thankfully, Ernie's a smart kid, so he didn't get caught. The Eldorado and our reputations remained clean.

It took 3 weeks for Ryan to show up at my house. Not to claim the Cadillac, but to ask me, Charlaine Hawkley, to a party.

"Ms. Hawkley, it would be my deepest pleasure to take you to a party tonight in my hometown," He said with a bow. I chuckled, "You're just like your ex, y'know? Adorably old-fashioned."

Ryan blushed, taking my hand. "Please, Lainey. I'm so sorry about how things ended during your date with Matt, and I want to make it up to you. Let me take you to this party." His face splayed genuine pleas, and I knew he liked me. Just from the way his eyes shone at me, he craved me. It was endearing. Yet pathetic

"What about Matthew? I thought you two were friends? What would he say if he knew that you were taking me out?"

"Matthew doesn't have to know"

From the sentence on, I swear I regret every action after!

He grabbed my waist delicately, pressing himself against me. "Go get ready. I'll warm up the car for you darling." he whispered into my ear. The shine in his eyes had merged with an unmistakable lust. He was drunk, not on liquor but on me. On his idea of who I was. The redhead girl who gave her cats liquor. A supposed bad girl, one who would fulfill his wishes.

If only I didn't....


The car smelled of cigarettes when I opened the door. A cloud of smoke surrounded Ryan, who I noticed was dressed in a black silk button-down shirt - matching well with my off-the-shoulder silver bodycon dress. If I knew why I wore it, I'd tell you. If I knew what was going to happen that night, I never would have gotten in that car.

He drove faster than I'd ever seen the Eldorado go before, making it to Ridley in a mere 10 minutes. The house he stopped in front of bustled with people, scarcely clad in a kaleidoscope of colorful party clothes - most worthy of a Hollywood red carpet.

The second we entered the house, I knew that there were drugs everywhere. Not something that I normally fucked around with, but that night I was intoxicated by Ryan's passion that I dared to dow a couple of pills. I don't know what they were, or how many of my memories are from that night or the next week after. I do remember that we stayed at that house for an entire week after: having parties, dressed up, and getting dirty.

I was down bad for this boy, and it was heavenly.

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