Entry Three

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I woke up that next morning to a call from Matthew Danvers. According to him, I had called him telling him that 'the cats were drunker than I was, and that I'd love to go out with him'... Now, I have no memory of this, but considering that I had a massive headache and there were at least 4 empty vodka bottles surrounding me I assumed that was the truth. 

Deeply embarrassed, I continued to talk with him whilst I staggered around the basement trying to clean up the remains of that previous evening and avoiding the shards of glass coating the floor. He laughed a lot, asking questions about my cats' drinking habits and about my own. "I never would have pinned you as the kind of girl to get wasted with her cats" he chuckled. I snarked back shyly, "Well there's a lot you don't know about me, Mr Danvers!"

By the time I managed to clean up the basement, down 3 asprins, and get myself dressed it was 2 in the afternoon. I still had no clue when my mother would be back or if I had the money to pay Ernie for an emergency restock. I did know that in a matter of hours I would be attending my first ever date, and the entire town would be watching.


Matthew showed up at my house around 6 that evening. Lord knows how he found my address, but it was certain that he wasn't ready for what he saw.

Linda kept a meticulous garden that enveloped our property in a floral aroma year-round. The majority of the land around our house wafted with the scent of roses, which practically glowed shades of pink and red all year round. Yes, they even bloomed bright in the winter. I was always suspicious of her, thought she might be a witch. Those roses were my top suspect.

I had eventually decided on a mint green sundress that had an underlying cat pattern hidden in its swirls to wear for the evening, and pinned my shoulder-length orange hair in a ponytail. On my way out, I grabbed an old flannel that I found in my dads stuff as a child - figured it would be best to bring him with me tonight.

Matthew was admiring the roses when I exited the front door, only startling back to reality when Dallas deeply meowed announcing my departure. "Well, Madame Charlaine, how beautiful you look this evening!" he playfully announced with a smirk. He then kneeled down towards Dallas and continued, "I promise to have her back by 10, my good sir." 

I couldn't help smiling as he then took my arm, leading me to his car: A black 1980 Cadillac Eldorado, that contrasted the roses glamorously. The interior was plush, well-maintained. No wonder every girl wanted to be with him. Either he had money, or he was a mobster with a sweet side...

I knew which of those options I was hoping for

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