Entry Four

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The first victim, Matthew Danvers, has been confirmed as a gang affiliate just mere moments ago

I hadn't been expecting to go all the way to Ridley on my first date with Matthew Danvers, but we ended up at a small diner just blocks away from Ridley High's football field. "You must've met a lot of girls here after football practice in your days, Mr. Danvers" I snarked as we entered. 

"For your information, Ms. Hawkley, this is the first time I've ever seen a high school girl in this diner. Especially on the arms of such a boy like Matt Danvers" replied an unfamiliar male voice. I turned to see another boy - handsome as hell, in a form-fitting uniform that showed off his form quite well. "Well, well, well. If it isn't my golden boy Ryan Soone. Guess the straight life's been treating you well too, huh?" I heard Matthew say to him.

Matthew took my hand and placed it in Ryans. "Lainey, this is Ryan. My ex-boyfriend and best friend."

Now, I'll admit. I wasn't surprised that these two stunning men had been lovers, but the idea that they not only broke up with each other but then proceeded to abandon the realm of dating men baffled me. What also took me by surprise was how soft Ryans hand was, for a guy of his stature. Now, I only knew one guy before this, and he was queerer then a rainbow. He was also an alcoholic, like yours truly.

"So answer me this Ryan?" I probed, "Did Matthew ask me out simply to set me up with a snack like you?" Both guys laughed awkwardly, so I quickly added: "Just kidding! I have no room to be bold, this is my first date EVER!"

That sent them both into shock. "No wonder you get wasted with your cats every night," Matthew laughed. 


The rest of the night went on uneventfully. Ryan and Matthew spent a lot of time gossiping and catching up, so I went to a little boutique across the street for a few minutes. I didn't find much, just a gorgeous set of 7 pocket-knives with jade handles. Easily worth $700 if not more, but I got them for $70. Figured my mom would appreciate one as an apology gift on the chance I wasn't able to get the liquor restocked in time.

By the time I came back the boys looked wasted. Which, of course, sucked for my sober ass. So, I did the only logical thing....

I stole Matthews car and went home

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