Hutao ~ To you 1000 years in the future

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I miss my lover
                                                                           Female reader‼️

I miss my lover                                                                           Female reader‼️

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                                                                Im headed straight for the floor

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                                                                Im headed straight for the floor

"Y/N come with me to the Wuwang hill sometime it'll give you a real fright."  Hutao Do you ever think about not playing pranks on people what if someday it goes wrong?" Silly Y/N" "My pranks are what I do best.., other than planning funerals of course"  Hutao chuckled

                                                                  The alcohol served it's tour

"Right" Y/N smiled. I'll be off now "Wait" Hutao screeched "yes Hu" you gave her a loving smile as she kissed you on the cheek. "I love you" Hutao said cheekily smiling "I love you too"
                                                           And it's headed straight for my skin

You laid back in your chair finishing up the Wangsheng funeral parlors paper work for Hutao. You wanted to do her work for her since she's doing it all time. You figured you'd give her a rest. Hutao was a lively person. She was your Lover you would do anything for her.

Leaving me daft and dim

You decided to head up to Wuwung hill. You never really went to Wuwung hill. Whenever you got jumpscared or spooked you would have Heart Attacks that's why you never really went it spooked you. But you figured since your girlfriend was there Nothing Bad Would Happen.

                                                                    Ive got a shake in my legs

You started walking towards the hill. Seeing as it was covered in fog you thought you would be a hard time finding Hutao.

Shaking the thoughts from my head

Hutao knew you were prone to having heart she never pranked you she didn't want to give you a heart attack.
She would never forgive herself if she did.
                                                                  But who put these waves in the door

You gripped your electro vision on your waist trying to find your way through the fog but you just could not see anything you were hoping you would at-least hear Hutaos voice or something. Little did you know Wuwang Hill was most Definitely haunted. You walked around a little longer as you heard hutaos voice. She was...Singing. "HUTAO!!" You yelled . Hutao heard your voice so she stopped singing and walked towards where she heard her Lovers voice. But before she could reach you. A ghost came up behind you and completely caught you off gaurd and scared the Living hell out of you. Your breathing started to get heavy.

                                                                     You were having a heart attack

Hutao saw you. Her smile dropped. There you were lying on the floor..she went to feel your pulse but There Was Nothing There. You were gone. And it was her fault that she brought you up to Wuwang hill.

                                                                           I crack and out I pour

My dearest Y/N, I know your gone now but I can't help but think about you.

                                                                            I'm Mr. Loverman

I know you probably can't hear me but I love you.

                                                                     And I miss my lover, man

I have many wishes in life yet one of them ceased to come true.

                                                                              I'm Mr.Lover man

And that was to marry you.

                                                                         Oh, and I miss my lover...

I'm's all my fault isnt it. I should have kept Wuwung hill off limits specially for you..sounds stupid but if that was to protect you that's what I would have done.


Word count: 556

                     AHH THIS WAS SAD TO WRITE [cry] but I hope you guys enjoyed this Ik Ik it was ANGST I'm sorry
But does anyone find this familiar  😏🤨

To my dear historia-

 ~ Vellichor ~ A Genshin Impact One-Shot seriesWhere stories live. Discover now