Velvette ~ Albedo

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i had like a really good concept written out it was like 7 pages put my ex tried to look at what i was writing so i ripped it up- 😭 anyways sorry i've been gone for so long i lost motivation and had writers block 😅 mind you this story W/ Albedo might be 2 separate story's pt.1 and pt.2

if i did my research correctly Eula is 19-20 but we're gonna make her 22 for story purposes...Albedo is 18 and you will be 17 sorry if that's not your actual age this is for the story. THIS WAS MADE DURING PATCH 2.6 AND THERE WILL BE MENTIONS OF VARKA. I DID MY RESEARCH ON HIM..THERE IS NO MENTIONS OF HIS PERSONALITY SINCE WE KNOW PRETTY MUCH NOTHING ABOUT HIM. THEY DESCRIBED HIM TO BE A VERY JOVIAL, CAREFREE, STRONG MAN.

Female reader

Female reader

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                                                                    this is not proof-read sorry for mistakes

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this is not proof-read sorry for mistakes.

when you were just a little girl you loved to dance and would always practice dancing. You read every book about it you could find in libraries when you were around 4. Yes quite young for a child to learn to read but you read your books in the favonius library so you were accompanied by an adult and she was the one who taught you to read. Although you came from a pretty poor you could never just buy books you had to read them in the library. that would cause you to spend long hours in the library reading every book you could find.

"Y/N?" "it's getting quite late you should head home honey." Lisa the librarian said.

"But Ms.Lisa I don't wanna go home.." Although she was a librarian and an adult you loved talking to her. she was like your mother. She also taught you everything she knew. well almost everything...but besides that she also knew about your home life. you didn't have the best home life. Considering that you were from a poor family and your only guardian was an alcoholic man who you called your father. Grumpy old man didn't even have a job. you were 4 years of age. 4. (your 5 now but your father made you do that when you were 4) and he expected you to work, buy food, cook food, buy him alcohol, and buy your own clothes. Which is what you did you always helped Ms.Lisa in the library. that's where you found your passion for books. And well..your passion for dancing came from reading as-well you read books about ballet.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2022 ⏰

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