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Up above is christi's ultra sound

Today christi has her first appoiment and the doctor said that maybe they will be able to see the babys gender.

"christi wake up we have to leave soon" i try to wake her up

"Okay michelle im up" she laughs

I love that im able to help my sister threw this and im glad things are finally working out for her

"Michelle" damien called me from the livingroom


"that one kid johns here" he said walking back to play with jr

"oh hi john were just leaving" i smile

"Christi didnt tell you" he asked confused "Im going to the appoinment"

i could see damiens anger on his face christi walked in

"John you came" she walked towards him" i didnt think you would"

we all left it was a akward as we drove to the clinic

we signed in and waited for some time.

"Christina Shelby" the nurse called out.

we walked in.

"Hello christina how are you"the nurse had a cheesy smile

"Im fine" christi answerd

they checked her weight and blood pressure and the nurse said everything else was fine.

"The doctor will be in soon" she smiled and walked away

"hi michelle my name is Dr.Reed" he seemed nice" im covering for Dr.Ramierz"


"well how are you feeling miss shelby, has your morning sickness calmed down" Dr. Reed looked to christi

"yeah" she smiled "It actually has"

"well thats good, and are you sleeping okay, all that good stuff" he asked

"well some nights i toss and turn but lately its been getting better"

"Okay well everything seems to be fine" he assured us" so now were gonna give you and ultra sound" he smiled" now today i will be able to tell your estimated due date and maybe the gender would you like to know" he explained

"Uh yea" she smiled

they began her ultra sound and then thats when the shocking news came.

"Your having twins" Dr.Reeds face was in shock

"Wait what"christi didnt fully understand

"Theres two babies" he said as he showed us

and sure enough their they were twins

"Why didnt they see that when i came last month" christi was panicking

"Calm down christi its okay " john grabbed her hand

he finished her ultra sound and then after he told us

"Your having Girls" he said with a big smile

christi teared and i thought it was cute that john was with her it was adorable.

he printed out her ultra sound and told her he would see her next month

"wow twins i wasnt expecting that"christi tried to smile

"awe christi its okay" i encourge her

"two babies twice the work" she chuckled

we got home and as soon as i walked the the door jr scared me half to death

"mommy" he yelled

"oh my heart come here" i pick him up and smuther him in kisses

"how was the appoiment" damien walked in the livingroom

"shes having twins" i waited to see his expression

"really" you could tell he was just blown away

"Yup two girls" christi seemd happy

"Wow now that has to suck" damien teased her

"Oh shut up damien" she threw a pillow at him

"its still so early" i said as i stretchd

"Well we can go into town now that we knew the preggo over here is having girls" damiem just loved messing with her.

"Jr" i called out to my son

"Mommy" he ran to me

"Go get your shoes baby"i pointed to the pile of shoes by the door

"Is it easy michelle" christi asked out of no where

"i mean for me at times it was" i looked at her

"I hope things get easy" she rubbs her stomache

we all got ready and headed for town.

"oh they have babies r us around the corner christi" i looked over to her

"Well then what are waiting for"she smiled

we walked into the the store we looked.

we came across a crib that christi just fell in love with so we got it and them we looked at car seats and strollers and found the perfect set

and now were in the clothes section

"Awe christi look at this" i showed her the footsy outfit i had

" i love it" she grabbed it " get another one"

i went back and grabbed the last one.

damien and jr went with john to the arcade cause he said this is for girls.

"im glad you and john are back on good terms" i smiled

"Yeah me to i mean collins stopped coming around and when i first told john he didnt act like a jerk. so i think im better off with john" she smiled" cause onestly i dont think i could handle doing this on my own"

"Christi your not alone you will always have me and damien" i rubbed her back" even if your dad is being a total asshole"

"Michelle thankyou for being my sister and not trynna be mom" she smiled

"Awe christi i love you" i hugged her

we did alittle more clothes shopping and then i called damien

"babe bring the car cause were bouta pay"

"Okay were coming"

we got in line luckily it was short as we waited damiem and john came in

"And weres my son" i looked at damien

"in the car" he looks at me

"Well go watch him what the hell" i was mad cause he left him in there

as she scanned the things the price was just getting higher and higher

"your total is $279.02" the cashier said

"Michelle i only have 250" christi looked at me

"its okay just pay it and ill pay with my card" i assured her

"Are you sure" she looked at me

"yes christi"

we paid and john helped us and then we drove to the diner to eat.

we ate and just talked everything was great its the first time i actually sat christi smile.

im glad she finally let go of her fears.

Stupid In Love (Under Major Editing) Where stories live. Discover now