Part 2

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I lay on the the edge of the bed facing Davina and grin as I watch her play with the candle

"Davina look at this" I show her a new trick that I learned with the flame

I turn the flame blue and she laughs but stop as Marcel walks in

"I assume it's all quiet out there?" I roll my eyes and stand and walk up to him, "the witches know better than to use magic. They know we can sense it when they do."

Davina turns towards Marcel, "What about the old ones? They're dangerous, and I don't want them to hurt you."

He informs us, "The Originals? Davina, Sofia, as powerful as you are, they don't stand a chance."

I smirk as he leaves, I turn towards my sis and smile, "so you wanna learn how to change it blue" she grins and nods

I grab the candle and we move to the floor


"In addition to the secret weapon he uses to control the witches, Marcel has assembled a small army of vampires. Working together, we could destroy them from the inside."

He questions, "and what of Rebecca, has she stopped her pouting long enough to join the Fun?"

I sigh, "she has made her disinterest quite clear." I huff slightly as he adds on, "one to many times daggered and shoved in a box, I gather, or perhaps she doesn't share your unwavering belief that I can be saved"

I look down at the furniture, "Rebekah may surprise us yet. After all, we all swore the same vow." I pull the cloth off the table as Ni'Klaus pours us a drink

"I hope she stays far away because in my desire to reclaim this town, to steal from Marcel that which he holds most dear, I have realized one massive Vulnerability, one weakness that Marcel could exploit."

I grow angry, "and what is that?" He looks at me, "you"

He Daggers me and I yell in pain, "Waah! Uh! Uh!" I stare at him in pain as he stares down at me with no emotion, "forgive me, my brother. There is no power in love. Mercy makes you weak. Family makes you weak. And if I'm going to win this war, I have to do it alone." And I slowly desecrate until I'm in my own head


I grow tired of being stuck in this attic and I go to leave when Davina stops me

"We can't leave Sofia, they are still looking for us, if we leave they will kill us" I frown, "I'm just so tired of being stuck up here, it's bringing back memories" I move and sit on the bed and lay down

She sits beside me and hugs me, I look over at the coffin and walk over and open it

I smile slightly and touch his cheek, "He's handsome" I hear gagging noises, "eww no, he's a thousand years old, and besides he's an original, you need someone your own age"

I roll my eyes and laugh, "yeah well the guys now a-days suck, so I wouldn't mind having me one with a little more class, but you do know I like a bad boy"

She laughs and pulls me away from the casket


I walk cautiously and get to the shop as soon as their closing, "Oh hey, hey"

She pulls the door up, "we're closed, sorry."

I persist, "I just need one teeny tiny little herb. Please." She smiles kindly, "which herb?"

I grow nervous, "Crushed Aconite flower." She looks at me in confusion, "Wolfsbane? That's a poison. Looking to kill a wolf?"

I sigh, "just a little one." She looks down at my stomach she nods, "give me a minute." I stand and look around

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