Part 6

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I grow worried as Sofias gone and I make my way towards Marcels

I run in and kill one of his people and everyone stops cheering

"Good evening, I'd like a word."

Marcel glares down at me, "what do you think your doing"

Elijah walks in, "well it appears that we've interrupted a collection of filthy armature. We've come here for the girl give her to us, or...we kill everyone here. Starting with you"

Marcel scoffs, "you two got a lot of nerve coming into my home and making demands."

I scoff, "you're home, is it?" Elijah yells, "the girl. I will not ask again."

Marcel smirks, "I assume you're talking about Hayley, Yay high, Dark hair, Bitchy Attitude. Who is she, anyway?"

I smirk

Good he doesn't know I have Sofia

"She's an old friend. You know how sentimental I am about old friends."

Marcel glares, "well I ain't got her, and before you start whining, I did pay her a little visit earlier tonight, I was feeling nostalgic. So I took a trip out to the plantation where I used to be a slave, and imagine my surprise when I realized that the original family of vampires had taken up residence. Your girl Hayley answered the door. We exchanged hellos. That was it. You don't believe me, look around. Hell I'll even help you find her, but the question that I'd ask is, if Hayley isn't here, then where is she?"

I glare and then I look at my brother And we nod discreetly

Sofia isn't here, Hayley didn't answer the door, Hayley hasn't been here sense Elijah found out she lied


I wake up in the back of a car and I sit up slightly and see the back of the neck of the guy who took me

I lay back down and I transform my hand and cut the zip tie around my hands

I lift my foot and start to kick out the back of his car window and soon he stops all the way and gets out of the car and opens the trunk

I go to kick but he catches my foot, "Seriously?, you don't want to fight me, you know you can't beat a hybrid."

I glare, "yes I can" I flash my eyes and turn my hand and scratch him across the face and break free of my bondage

I make a run for it but he catches me

I scream, "let me go!, you half breed piece of shit" he yells, "SHUT UP!"

He picks me up and I wiggle around trying to get free and I manage to break the zip ties again and I claw his back causing him to groan in pain and that's when he pulls me off of him and places that thing over my mouth and nose and soon I pass out

I wake up to find us still walking and he sets me down

I look at my hands to see he's wrapped my hands in chains and I grumble in irritation

I look around to see sheds, "what is this place?" I look at him, "the armpit of Louisiana." He pulls out a knife and I grow uncomfortable

"What are you gonna do with that?" He walks towards me, "depends on you."

I glare, "you attacked me remember, you ambushed me in my own back yard" he cuts my ties on my feet

And he scoffs and I get up, "it's not your back yard. It's Klaus's. Your shacked up in a mansion with that Psycho"

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