Is This It?

6 0 0

Tap, tap, tap.

Click, clikc, click.

Is this really it?

Joanna sat at her desk mindlessly typing away on the faded keyboard, surrounded by the same people who were doing the same thing. Her desk was littered with the faint scars of consumed coffee, trails of bread crumbs led to the make shift bin in the corner, surrounded by a wall of empty water bottles, all the signs of a workaholic.

She usually let her mind wonder in times like this, wonder to what could have been if she had quit when she wanted to, wonder to what would happen if she left now, but her mind mainly wondered to what might have happened if Liam was still here.

Joanna was a writer by heart, but like a writer her mind was a constant factory of imagination; working on the scenes she could never live and the scenes she wanted to live. She thrived on the late nights lying in bed when her mind was full of scenarios that would never happen. 'I can finish this at home' she thought dismissively to herself and then proceeded to open her latest piece of work, Live.

She rolled her eyes then deleted the title once again.

The page was now left blank.

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