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Its weird how there are so many people on this planet, so many births and deaths in one day, so many people doing the same thing at the same time everyday. But no one actually knows who these strangers are. No one makes an effort to get to know these strangers. The strangers we see everyday on the bus, the strangers we work in the same building as and the strangers that affect our lives everyday. I am sitting in a car with the windows up and the radio on, I can here everything outside, I can see everything outside, but I can’t feel it.

I am numb.

Life is like being in a car, you have a destination with a journey and you take it with the few people that can fit into our car, some get dropped off along the way and some join the ride. That’s all good and great except you never go out; you never stop the car, you just keep going. You’re in your own bubble there’s no experiencing, everything is just white noise outside those car windows, blurred and obscure.

Your on autopilot.

That needs to change.

I want to be different.

I want to roll the windows down and feel the rush of the wind against my face, turning my cheeks and nose raw and red. I want to feel it messing up the hairstyle I spent half an hour on, if its raining I want to feel the splash of the raindrops against the palm of my hand as I stick it out the window. I want stop the car, for a little while, just pause the journey to my destination and make it more memorable. 

I don’t want to stay in my bubble.

I want to experiment, live, dance, feel.


I want to love.

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