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It began just like a normal day. I called Amelia down for breakfast before I dropped her off at school. I could hear small footsteps skip towards the open kitchen door, followed by a thump when she jumped onto her chair.

“Morning Mommy” I heard her childish voice say in a cheery tone.

“Morning darling, ready to go?”

“After this” she said in a muffled voice, with a mouth full of cereal. I grabbed her school bag and put it in the car then locked the house up after she ran out, with her curly blonde ponytail swishing in the air as she ran.

It was so quiet on the roads this morning, so quiet that it was eerie. The usual morning school rush was just a gentle car ride with minimal stops. The car park was dead except from 4 cars, I strode over to the entrance with Amelia and placed my bags in the teachers lounge. Finally teachers, students and parents started to fill the corridors, chatting excitedly. My earlier taboo feeling had now been suppressed and was virtually none existent, the day carried on like normal.

 That was until I heard the deafening roar of motor engines outside the window. The harsh sound of doors slamming accompanied by the heavy thuds of muffled footsteps silenced the children. I peaked out of the window to see seven men dressed in full black, with masks covering their faces, each one with a large jet-black gun in their hands.

Jeanie walked outside fear evident on her round freckled face, from this distance I could see her ageing hands tremble as she asked the men “What business do you have here?” her lips quivering ever so slightly. The next few seconds happened in slow motion. The largest man of the group had raised his gun, and the distinctive bang of a gunshot echoed as Jeanie’s body slumped to the ground. The children started to panic and cry, not fully understanding what was going on. As I glanced through the window the men had started to unload their vehicles and made their way into the school. I ushered the children into the coatroom, with my phone “Call 911” I said calmly. I could feel the adrenaline pump through my veins as I explained to them what was going on and what they should do, and with that I left them in the hands of Lucy, my TA.

 As I cautiously walked around the school I heard sounds coming from the main hall, there were four men herding everyone into the large assembly room. I saw a glimmer of a familiar blonde ponytail in the crowd of children. Amelia, I thought stifling sobs. In that moment I heard another series of gunshots and frantic screams as the four began to make a point. “You are here today as a result of your government” one of the four said in a deep husky voice, it was as if he had practiced this speech many times. “Your leaders will now understand how it feels to have their country interfered with, and their children killed.” I could hear sirens in the distance; they are going to be too late I thought.

“Well my daddy is a police officer and he is going to come and arrest you” I heard a small and familiar voice say.

“Oh really honey?” the man said in a patronizing tone “and what is your name”

“Amelia Jones” she said confidently wearing a smile as always, I could practically see the other children and teachers telling her to be quiet. I did not know that I was crying until I could taste the salt water on my lips. The gunshot sounded before I could register what was happening, a whimper escaped my baby’s lips as she fell.

“Amelia” I whispered, silent sobs shaking my body.

My eyes were wet with tears as I recalled todays’ events to the petite police officer. Why did this happen? Why did she have to be so naïve? I should’ve been there to take the bullet. It should’ve been mew. When I saw Jason in his uniform unaware of what had happened I broke down, how could I tell him that his daughters faith in him was the thing that got her killed?

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