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Its funny how things work out.

When you're not looking for something it conveniently shows itself, like that saying "its not lost until your mother can't find it".

But I had lost something my mother could never find, Hope.

Hope of someone ever looking at me the way Flynn Ryder looked at Rupunzel, or the way my father looks at my mother. The hope of someone to be there when I am having a bad day, or someone to listen when no one else will. The hope of someone who thinks I'm worth their time, because time is the most valuable gift we all have and take for granted.

But when all hope is lost you learn to expect the unexpected.

The start of our story was a complicated one, but where is the fun in being straightforward?

In a nutshell, he liked her and she was my best friend and I had never met him before. See not so complicated, but when there are feelings involved its always complicated.

Why is it that I can shamelessly flirt with anyone, but when it came it him I was a fumbling mess? It's strange how certain people can have an affect on you, I am usually a well put together and confident person, but his easy going attitude and wide chocolate eyes just unravel me in an instant; I become shy, vulnerable, exposed and happy.

But most of all; I become me.

His touch, even the faintest ones, send waves of fire through my body; leaving me aching for more. My skin burns where his hand rests on my arm or around my waist, but it feels so natural like the burn of a slightly hot bath. No matter what we are doing, walking, sitting or eating, some aspect of our bodies are connected; we share each other's energy, the waves of pass like running water, constantly moving, through our touch.

He is like my drug.

He is my drug.

When I am not talking to him, I spend more time thinking about him than I would normally, the day feels incomplete and empty when we don't speak.

Am I going crazy?

Am I meant to yearn for him?

Is this what love feels like?

I am scared.

I've never been this vulnerable before, no one has ever had this much power over me, the power to make or break me.

I pray that I will not be broken.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2015 ⏰

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