my new pet~

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George had prepared and trained for years and years to come and celebrate this day.
Today he had his first mission.
His career could finally begin and he could start the real business.

He had successfully completed his exam as an astronaut last week and the qualifications for this mission were all more than exceeded.

Headquarters was a bit unsure whether he should really land on Mars as the first mission but,
with the power of persuasion from his superior Karl, it was possible.
Karl had often helped him with his decision making but he also helped him a lot in his training,
he was his supervisor after all.

Without him he definitely wouldn't be where he is now.
Back to the present.
George strapped himself into his seat and went over all the rocket's scores again.

Everything was glowing and blinking in a way that a normal person wouldn't even try to understand.
George, on the other hand,
understood everything,
satisfied with himself and that everything was ready to go, he gave the green light from his side.

The central after that went over each circuit again and made sure that everything was securely fastened. They didn't want to lose their new addition on the first mission.

After the green light from the headquarters, the rocket took off. The engines worked at high pressure to launch the 3000 ton metal into the air.

After the nerve-wracking start,
George slumped back in his seat.
His curly brown hair floated slowly in the air and he grinned slightly as he tried to fix it in an attached mirror.
Wich obviously did not work.

After a few minutes of watching him get further and further away from Earth, he put the rocket on autopilot and left his seat.
For being in space for the first time, he felt pretty good.

Sure he bumped into a few edges here and there, but it was his first mission.
After a long 15 minutes he arrived at his bedside.

He had decided to sleep for some time as the autopilot would take care of everything and he was exhausted from the take off.
He had hooked himself up completely and closed his eyes, slipping into a relaxed sleep.

He was in more than panic when he awoke to loud beeping and voices coming from the comm box. He grabbed the device as quickly as he could.
"Yes?!" he asked through, panic leaking trough his voice. His blue eyes darted around as he navigates to the cockpit.

"George *hissing* abort *quitch* dangerous
*hiss* come *rush* flee"
Communication broke off, he had absolutely no idea what headquarters was talking about and his fear was increasing by the second.

Just as he got into the cockpit he saw it.
His course was completely changed, he was completely off course.
He was sure that he had it set correctly and the central would not change his route without notifying, or would they?

After unsuccessful attempts to change course back and trying to talk to headquarters, he gave up.
He decided to go through the information he had to at least find out something or get information about what Karl meant on the walkie talkie.

He sits down comfortably, because if he's already lost in space, at least it should be comfortable.

After bringing up the screen and logging in. What was a mystery to him because he didn't understand how the internet was here, he was looking for information.
Looking, after few pages, out of the rocket's window, his eyes grew huge.

In front of his rocket was a huge flying object.
It looked like a spaceship, but not one of those typical alien movies but a huge battleship.

A hatch opened and the spacecraft practically swallowed the rocket.
George was scared, he was terrified. He had never seen anything so big. It was more than 40 times the size of the rocket and had no trouble accommodating it.

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