my Empirer my Life

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To this day two Empires live in peace next to each other.
One being the empire of Dreams where every man and woman come to, to fulfil their deepest desires.
The other one being the Snowchester, a empire ruled by a old man, his name is Philza.

But according to the spies of the Dreamland he lets crown prince Tommy do all the work.
Poor crown prince Tommy only 15 of age and has to rule a whole empire.
I pity him.
Ofcours the public does not know of this, how would the current ruler look if they found out?

My King is Dream himself, he is kind to everyone and helps build everything in this empire.
Sometimes you can see him walking around with his royal guard Sapnap on his side. It is beautiful sight to see.
We are the strongest Empire but it wasn't always this way.

Once we were weaker then then snowchester.
The others believed we were not as strong as them.
Filling the ego of the Snowchester with their praises until they were sure themselves they were the strongest.

We on the other hand always knew that our army was stronger then theirs but Dream never wanted war.
He is a friendly ruler, he would do anything to avoid drenching the city streets in blood.

He says: "we are a dream, people should be happy to hear from us. Not a nightmare people should fear."
We live by this.
We live by his believes and some even say someday we die by this.

So back to what I was saying, everything was peaceful, there were people with friends in both countries
and you could see them interact with one another.
On rare occasions the prince Technoblade from Snowchester would visit us to spar with out king.
There were also ships being sailed to the other side and travellers' trades traveling along bridges and land.

The only thing that was between those two countries was a river.
The river was broad but you still could see the other side.
On some places where the river was not to deep or broad were bridges build.
They stopped on small islands and then went to the other side.

Sadly on a sunny day that peace was ruined,
the stronger Empire to that time: Snowchester, broke the peace just to rob us.
Our empire was famous for our rare material, wich is also the reason we are the country of dreams.

You can build everything here you desire.
To our regret we got informed that a few royal guards saw people in the uniform of the Snowchester rob our newest train of resources.

As soon as I heard from it I went to speak to one of the nobles from the other Empire.
Brave as I am, I asked why they did it, I got
no answer.
He just looked at me and drank his tea as if I was not worthy of a answer. Even after often asking I got not even a look from him.

I was deviated, if I couldn't get a answer I would have to face dream without having a answer to give him, a reason on why they did it. As I was still in the, now hostile empire I thought of someone I could speak to and only one person came to mind.

So I confronted prince Technoblade. We had a long and hard talk and I only got vague answers. But I got the answers!
First he said it was a mistake!
I was confused and ask how?
He said they got robbed and must have mistook it as us robbing them.
I shook my head, how could they even think so.

How could they mistake something like that? They did it without even thinking.
Not stopping once to ask us if we did it.

But they just wanted revenge?
I ofcourse understood the feeling of revenge and said it was ok!
After all we maybe wouldn't have done the same but Dream surely would have done something similar.
Even if he still would have asked questions first. At the end I wanted no war and
we did not lose much....

But then he said it was an accident and they didn't intend to do it, said it must have been someone sent from the nobles.
I was confused because they already had themselves explained and the explanation was believable!

Why did they had more then one excuse?
Quiet assumptions spread through me.
Was he lying to me?
I observed him closely, softly I couldn't find any evidence in his body language that he was lying.

As I again said it was fine, they gave me their final sentence.
"No one strong in our land would hope to attack you and make war"
I was confused. How could they give me three different excuses and none of them matched?

My fear was gone and it was replaced with mistrust...
How could they lie to us?
Were we not their friends? Partner?
My thoughts were running wild as I returned home.
I swiftly asked for a audience with Dream.
I wouldn't get denied a visit by dream, after all it was me.

As I opened the door to the main throne room I knelt down.
My hand over my heart and the other one visible to dream and sapnap his royal guard.

"Stand up, after all we are quite close and no one is here." He said, his voice sounded almost lovely as if you played a song on the harp.

I stood up, nodding to spanap who held his polearm close to him.
Ready to kill me if I go against Dream.
At first I was always scared of sapnap because you could be the love of his life but if you would stand against dream he would kill you without asking a question.
He swore to protect and serve dream and he would do exactly that.

I looked at Dream who sat on his throne looking down at me, he wore a soft smile that said to continue on why I asked to meet him.

I began to explain what happend and what for information I gather and how they faced me. Watching his face expressions change to different emotions and in the end back to a smile. His pokerface.

He wasn't happy that I could tell.
He was angry, I would even dare calling it enraged.
Sapnap tightened the grip on his weapon and looked to the floor, deep in thoughts.

Not wanting to anger Dream any longer i wanted to leave as fast as I could.
"All hail Emperor dream, and hail to the Empire of Dreams" I said subordinated and did the farewell pose.
He nodded softly and with this I went my day.

Days went by and it didn't get better, no it got worse.
On one beautiful evening as I was watching the Stars my friend Sapnap came to me tell me we got robbed and one of our biggest bank was burning down.
I hurried to help him and confronted Wilbure myself!

Of course I was scared but he could do nothing against me as we were in a open area.
I talked and talked with him but he always tried to change the topic.
As I finally got an answer from him he just said that Dream gave his ok with it.
I was enraged with hatred for him as I was forced to let it go.
I promised him I would talk with Dream about it.

As the morning came and the sun traveled over the horizon I ran to Dream.
If what Wilbure said was true there would be a long talk with Dream about it, if not there would be war.
As I opened his room and walked into it I explained the situation.

He was more then furious, but he kept his composure wich I could never. As I excused myself and went my way I heard him saying he was gonna talk to Philza. I let him be, if he needed me he would tell me.

As the days went by I learned that my brother Sapnap also talked to Wilbure, wich I found out that he ignored him.
This sent me to rage.
How could someone ignore us and think they get away with it!
We would show them what would happen if someone messed with the Empire Dream, because they would have a real nightmare.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2022 ⏰

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