Time to hunt

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After years of research, professors had discovered that far more deadly species existed.
Humans were now back at the bottom of the food chain in the universe.
In years of hoping not to be discovered, the humans never noticed that they were already on our planet.

These creatures that looked at us, humans as their food, were horrible.
They stood on two legs. Had strong hind legs and lizard-like heads.
They had long claws on their hands and sharp teeth that could even bite through rock.
When we noticed that they were already on our planet, we tried to send them away, to fight them.

When this didn't work, because they could cut through our weapons like axes through wood, we humans tried to evacuate everyone.

It was only too late that we noticed that they could also change their shape.
At that point, everything we thought we knew about them had been thrown out the window.
Later it was found that one could communicate with them.

Long negotiations and decisions began.
After the first session, the humans had learned that the beings not only ate humans but generally other species that were not their own.

They traveled from planet to planet, eating everything in their path.
It had taken years to get to the point where you could say now is the time for a peace treaty.

People had been trying to do that for years. Make a treaty that will save humanity.

Luckily for the people, the strange beings were like snakes, they didn't eat often, but when they did, they ate a lot.
When the then President went to the supreme creatures to propose the treaty, he performed a miracle.

He managed to persuade the creature to stop eating humans, but they were allowed to stay on Earth. Dressed as humans, of course.
Since people wouldn't notice them anyway, the President agreed.
Also, it was said that once humans forgot about the creatures, they would come back and eat again.

Since the President believed that they would never forget something so terrible, he agreed.

They would talk about it everywhere and never let anyone else forget it. That was his thought.
So the treaty was complete and the creatures began to retreat.

They were seen boarding their flying objects and traveling high up to their main ship.

It had taken days and people especially held their breath that day. But when all their creatures are on board, they fly away.
The ship left the atmosphere.
The President had happily announced that even if some of their beings were still on their planet, the beings would no longer eat them.

This was an enthusiasm for the world and its people, since they did not advance further in the years when they actively knew about the beings. Fear had overtaken them.
The animals and nature had recaptured some of their possessions in the few years.
Of course, they didn't last long as people immediately stole it and used it again.

Years had passed since. Millennia to be exact and nothing more had been seen or heard from the creatures.
The President kept his promise and made a statute that everyone should be taught and it became everyone's duty to know.

Unfortunately, time was not on the side of the people. Because soon the people who were there at the events became fewer and fewer and even when they were then reported about, the strange creatures were soon only stamped as fantasy stories.
At some point it was only fairy tales that were told to the children.
Sadly, adding to the sad fact, that still counted as a reminder. That, was bugging the creatures.

The creatures had all the time in the world, literally, they couldn't age.
The creatures kept bringing reports to their king to tell him about the state of human knowledge.
Humans were stupid to think that beings would let go of their prey.
So the creatures waited and waited, they were like cats.

They could live and wait for hours, no centuries.
Anything for their prey.
And they did.

Even more years later, on a sunny day, all members of Dsmp were sitting at a table. Well, not all members but those who were still alive.

Unfortunately they had already lost Wilbur and Tommy as well as Schlatt.
No one knew what Tommy or Wilbur died of.
They had only found them dead one day, murdered to be precise.
Philza and Technoblade were deeply upset by this, but seemed to get over it just fine.

In any case, everyone was gathered for a breakfast today.
Dream had organized everything for it the day before, he said he had something to announce.
The mood was surprisingly good and everyone seemed to be in the best of spirits.
Dream and Techno sat next to each other and had been talking about a hunt for a few hours now, Philza occasionally commenting on it while the fiancés Karl, Sapnaps and Quackity were flirting with each other again.

George happily complained broadly about having to sit across from them, Rose tried desperately to calm him down.
Conner chatted with Ranboo as much as you could call it a chat since only Ranboo talked and Connor just listened. Understandably the poor boy was mute.

When the sun slowly rose at noon, Dream got up with a smile.
He raised his glass, Techno rolling his eyes in annoyance, apparently knowing what was about to happen.
Dream gently jabbed his knife at the glass, which then made a high-pitched sound, drawing everyone's attention.

"Hello everyone," he said, putting the glass down again.
He then thanked everyone for coming and took a few steps back.
"Today is a day of celebration for Techno, Philza and me." He said, waving his arms up majestically.

He nodded at Techno and Techno stood up and moved to Dream's side.
"But before I make my beautiful announcement, Techno wants to tell us a little story."
Rolling his eyes at his friends dramatic act he looked at everyone.
"Let me tell you this story before dream begins to whine about anything." he said in his monotonous voice.

Despite the monotonous tone, you could tell he was pleased.
Everyone turned in his direction and looked at him questioningly.
He began to tell a story about horrible monsters and a huge apocalypse.

Everyone listened enthusiastically and clapped at the end of the story. They said the story was perfect and he should definitely put it in a book.
Dream got up from the chair he sat in at the beginning of the story.

"Thank you very much Techno, well I want to announce something." He said and gave everyone one of his perfect smiles.

He ran his fingers through his blond curls briefly, then looked down at everyone
"Today the last person who remembered us died, which means the deal is over." he began to laughed, first quietly but the more time went on he began to laugh like a madman.
The joy in the eyes of the others faded and was replaced with confusion,
"This means that the earth is once again a hunt area." he finished his sentence.

In the eyes of his comrades he saw fear, those who didn't understand were confused. The confusen changed to fear as you could see how Dreams' skin turned black, he grew taller and his body deformed.
His eyes went completely black only his green pupils shone at them.

Everyone was frozen in place and just watched in fear at the transformation.
They watch as feathers grew on his arm and his fingers became long claws.
From his lower back grew a tail covered with thorns like a rose.
But these were larger and covered with a water-thin green liquid.

When he finished his transformation, he rose to his full height and looked down at the others. A laugh could be heard and the creature that was once Dream could be seen turning around.
Behind him stood two more creatures. One of them had large black wings on its back, the other had long tusks and hooves instead of feet.

The first creature turned back to them and said in a deep voice:
"May the one with the most hunted people win" before he jumped off in the direction of the others.

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