The greatest danger

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He turned to me. His black hair blew in the air softly to the wind. The once tender and warm glow in his eyes had disappeared and instead only the power hunger and danger shone out of his coal black eyes.

Everything in me was screaming to run, away from him, away from my fiancé.
One a long time ago he promised to stay by my side forever and to love me.
That was the day he gave me our engagement ring, me and Sapnap, but now all I see in his eyes is the monster he promised he would not become.
My nose was running red and tears had been bawling out of my eyes for some time.
I couldn't believe myself but I was afraid of this man.
He had turned completely to face me, away from the human carnage that was on the other side of the railing.
The man I once loved more than anything else stretched out his arms in victory.

"Nobody can beat me! Not even dream could do it, can you believe it. I've dreamed of killing that bastard for so long, and now I've finally been able to do it." he said with a wicked smile on his lips. He looked so happy, so proud of himself and yet all I could see in front of me was a psychopath.
I nodded weakly and clutched my body tighter, knowing what would happen at the end of our conversation.

"I defeated even that damn blood god! Dream was right, I'm immortal!" He screamed, not even sounding like the man who held me tenderly when the three of us sat on the sofa and talked to one another.
Where was the warmth that he once radiated, the warmth that led me to believe that everyday the sun would shine on us and we would be happy as we were then.
He ran his hands through his short black hair and looked back at the bodies he had left behind. He had killed everyone, all my friends of long years.
All the people I swore to protect.
I had tried to stop him countless times until he hit me out of anger.
I gently stroked my cheek again, I had done that many times since the hit. I was sure he could still see the imprint.
The cut his nails left on my face that had swollen since then, it hurt not from the pain to be hit but from the pain that it was a loved one.

I knew that one side of my heart still loved him. Not him but his old self. The hearty funny jerk who invited you to play poker and then blatantly deliberately cheated, not this empty shell of man.
I looked down at my ring, the ring he gave me and Sapnap as a promise to marry us if this all ends well.
My eyes blurred and my tears were getting more and more as I remembered Sapnap's shocked face.
That fear in his eyes, not the fear of dying but the fear of what our partner had become.

He begged him, repeating over and over how he would do anything for Quackity to keep his best friends alive. He was sitting on his knees Infront of them. Begging Quackity not to kill them, to let them live and flee. He was crying, trying to reason with him. He had bruises everywhere and was bawling his eyes out.

They were puffy red as he used his own body to shield the the two people behind him.
They were holding each other in their arms.
Both sitting there knowing that they will die here but wanted to hold each other while losing their life.
Sapnap really tried to protect them, because in the end, he still saw George and Dream as siblings after all of this.
But he hadn't even heard Sapnap.
The only thing he understood was that Sapnap stood in the way of his perfect little world.
I'll never forget the fear in Sapnap's eyes as Quackity raised his ax over his head. He was so scared that I just wanted to run to him, hug him and say everything will be fine.

No, Quackity needed his perfect little world where just the three of us should be. But now it was just the two of us and soon just one of us.

"Baby I got rid of them all!" He said in a tone as if he had done a job too difficult for a hundred men.
"I can protect you now," he continued, a gleam in his eyes that I didn't even want to begin to understand.

I ran my hand down my cheek to wipe away my tears that kept coming.
Did he think this is some game?
That these people, no, my friends would have hurt me?

After seeing a little better as the tears subsided a little, I watched his wounds heal and disappear.
Unfortunately he was right, he was immortal, under other circumstances I would have kissed him and we disappeared into the bedroom with Sapnap. Now all I could remember was how he got killed over and over again but kept coming back and killing one person after another.

He looked at me expectantly with his arms outstretched, covered in the blood of my friends and my fiancé. Did he expect me to hug him and say thank you?
He seemed to notice that I wasn't going to meet him and took a few steps towards me.
We were standing on the roof of the tallest building in town, I'd seen everything he'd done.
He led me up here and told me that he would finally do it.
I was expecting him to finally marry both of us, but when we got up here it was just the two of us. I worried that he didn't want to marry Sapnap anymore.

But when he told me he would show me something and I should wait here, my nerves were a little more relaxed.
If I had known that he would lock me up here and I would have to watch him murder everyone I would have left immediately.
Here from the highest house I had to watch him kill my loved ones, my friends and the love of my life without even batting an eyelid.
Here we were, the city in ruins below.

When he got to me he took me in his arms. His touch felt so cold.
So dead.

It was like hugging a corpse.
He took my chin in his one hand and turned my head right into his.
He looked at me briefly before saying how cute I looked today.
He wrapped his other hand around my waist and pulled me to him, his lips softly touching mine. Cold, that's what that kiss felt like. It was so forced, nothing about that kiss was sweet or friendly. It felt like he was just threatening me with that kiss and telling me not to step out of line.
I didn't feel safe.
I didn't feel anything anymore, the only thing boiling in me was the agony and pain from what I had to see.

He released me and took a step back, looked at me and then smiled.
He looked at me like I was a, much worse his, porcelain doll that was about to fall apart.
An important artifact in his collection
"You haven't destroyed a threat yet",
I whispered against the cold air.

A shiver ran down my spine when I heard my broken voice. Even in my voice there was nothing left of the problem-free boy I once was.

He looked at me curiously.
His black hair bobbed along as he nodded for me to continue. I could tell he didn't understand what I meant.

"Quackity you don't understand." I said as I gently stroked his cheek. He leaned in to my touch and closed his eyes to enjoy it.
I took a step back.
"Not even you can protect me from that." I said and took a last step back.

"If you wanted to protect me from the greatest danger, you would have to destroy me yourself."
I said and let myself fall backwards. The cool air rushed past me.

The last thing I heard was a yell of my name and saw him run to the edge and agonizingly reach out his arm to be a few seconds late. Then everything went black. Black because death surrounded me.
The complete emptiness felt so warm and friendly, like my fiance was hugging me and telling me I did everything right. He would accompany me from now on.

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