Three - Pranks

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But things didn't go very well after that day, with Aaliyah and Chase exchanging daggers after school. I can guarantee something is going to happen "Ali, you better be careful with him. I have a bad feeling about him, it's like he might plot something against you," I told her. "Don't worry about it, I can handle it boo" she reassured.

Although Aaliyah may put on a tough face though beneath it all is her tender and sensitive side, I won't forgive myself if Chase exploits her as his new prank target; he can throw anything at me; I won't mind, but if he tries to hurt my friend, then I'll take an action.

Day after...

As my suspicions are correct, I'm pretty sure something is going to happen today. However, Jane kept calling me last night, so what I did is... to block her; it's actually kind of irritating...

"Hey boo!" Aaliyah greeted me with a hug, "Guess what.." She wiggles her eyebrows. "What?" I ask, intrigued and chuckling. "My parents and I are going to the dinner tonight; and Terrence... Omg! Terrence and his parents are going to be there too!" She was thrilled. "Omg no way, how?!" I smiled.

"Alright... My dad called Terrance's father, who happened to be the head engineer, Daddy was planning to open a new restaurant. right; So, he gave him a call (his dad). And... He agrees! they're going to begin the construction!" she beamed "Isn't that great!" she added, happily.

"Oh my goodness, Aaliyah, that would be awesome!" I said, "I know right! And another thing, Terrence texted me last night" Aaliyah's cheeks flushed. "Oh, I'm so happy for you!" I hugged her.

I noticed something strange as soon as we entered the campus: the cheerleaders and football players were incredibly silent, and they were on the opposite side of the locker.

"So.. How about you? You aren't telling me about your love life. Any crushes?" Aaliyah smiles "Nah" I shrug. At the same moment, I open my locker alongside Aaliyah.

Then.. An explosion happened instantly in front of us, a balloon slime inside our locker burst out and splattered onto our faces and everything inside including our stuff.

I wiped my face and groaned from annoyance. I was smeared with green slime, while Aaliyah's was entirely blue. "Seriously?! Gah!" Aaliyah screams as she angrily wipes the slimes off of herself, terrified as she frantically searches for something in her locker.

"No, no, no!" Tears welled up in her eyes as she rubbed the slime across the photo of a little girl smiling so happily. "It's ruined!" she cries, and the laughter gradually stops when they notice her crying.

"Hey, hey... calm down" I gave her a back rub to help her calm "No, Gwen! It's destroyed! The color isn't going away!" Dana comforted her, saying, "It's okay, Ali," while she sobbed. She tries to comfort her, but she doesn't stop from crying.

"Oh my god," Dana mouthed as she saw the photo that Aliyah was clutching onto. "You're a jerk!" Dana spun to Chase, and I glared at him. "Come on, Ali, let's clean you both up," Terrence offered, casting us a pitying look.

But things got worse when my slime was a normal one and could be easily cleaned while Aaliyah's slime had a blue paint that was very difficult for her to remove. now she looked... all blue. And I couldn't help but hold her when she burst into tears again still staring at the photo.

"Why is she crying over a photo?" I whispered to Dana, and I held Aaliyah who still sobbing in my arms "It's her sister, she died of cancer at an early age when Aaliyah and I were only 13" Dana brushed the tears that were streaming down her cousin's cheeks. "Her sister was just only 8 at the time, they were incredibly close; Ali took care of her".

"I'm sorry, Ali" Dana embraces her cousin. This explains why she appeared to be dissatisfied with the whole prank and did not join the fun during the whole event, even Jane remained emotionless throughout the entire time while Troy tried not to smile or laugh.

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