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Alex settled into his office chair and signed in on his computer. Not five minutes later, the door opens and Alex looks up to greet-- Not Morgan.

They have a coffee and a stack of papers in their hands, just like Morgan would have been. "Where's Morgan?" he demanded. 

"He's, uh, sick. He called in today," the timid assistant answered.

Alex's expression morphed to one of genuine confusion, "Why?"

The assistant wasn't sure how to answer, "Uh, he said he was sick."

Alex rolled his eyes and sent them away. He spent a considerably long amount of time wondering why Morgan would let himself get sick before remembering that most people don't have the ability to reject sickness. 

He spent the day frustrated and extremely bored. Why did he even care that someone else had brought him coffee and paperwork? Most people in Alex's position would be bothered by his tendency to chat and his boldness, but Alex found it entertaining. It seemed to him that every other person in the whole damn office were unbearably bland and annoying, he'd thought so even before Morgan came along. Also, something about Morgan's coffee was just exceptionally better than anyone else's. 

He'd finished his stack of papers by midday and was still stewing in his frustration at Morgan's absence when the door creaked open once again, this time much more slowly. The same assistant from earlier peeped in.

"The finished papers are on the edge of my desk, just sit the new ones there," Alex turned his attention to his email, hoping the assistant would move faster if he wasn't looking. As they reached the desk, they tried to quickly exchange the stacks of paper, but their fingers got caught and both stacks fell to the floor in a jumbled mess. 

All Alex did was shoot them a dirty look, but in a matter of seconds they had picked up all of the papers and run out the door. 

Ten minutes later, someone else came in to deliver the reorganized stack of unfinished papers.

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