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Things in the office were going quite well since Alex and Morgan had been spending time together outside of work. Platonically, of course. ;)

Alex had begun to look forward to Morgan's paperwork runs, as recently he'd been finding little sticky notes littered throughout the stacks. They always had something random on them, and they made him laugh during the most boring part of his day.

Alex came across another one near the end of the morning stack and read it aloud to himself, "It's okay to be bad at something, remember that when I kick your ass at Luigi's Celebration tonight." Alex chuckled, but he was determined to win that stupid game at least once.

He opened the top left drawer of his desk and placed  the note at the top of his growing collection of Morgan's notes.

——-(fix this)

Short but cute, what do you think? My fingers were cold but I laid down and started typing this on my phone, so now the blankets protect me from cold fingers :3

S&D Tier- Office RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now