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Morgan was about halfway through with his lunch break when a couple of his fellow General Assistants came in for theirs. They sat one across and one to his left at the table and an awkward silence settled between them.

"We need to know, are you and Alex dating?" one speaks up. "We wouldn't dare to tell anyone if you are, we just really need to know."

Morgan paused for a moment before bursting into laughter, attempting to mask the fact that he wished it were true, "No, I'm just a damn good assistant and he knows I'd move on if he treated me as anything but an equal."

"So was Rhys that day you had that stomach bug, and Alex tore him apart," they argued.

Morgan shrugged, "Ask Alex why I'm special then, and let me know what he says." Morgan finished his lunch as casually as if no one had said a word.

No one in the room believed that Morgan wasn't in love with Alex for a second.

——-(fix this)

Another really short one, I know, but I made my point :3

The time is now 6:17am my time, and I am remarkably awake. We're almost done! Next chapter should be longer and much more satisfying.

S&D Tier- Office RomanceDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora