When Moon set its way

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One sunday night,
I was looking at that crescent moon
The night sky was filled with lot of stars
I was looking at the moon thinking
Should I continue my plans?

I even rely into tossing coins,
Asking, Should I?

And then that night I remember again
How cruel a family could be?
Or How time can made someone bitter?
I realized it wasn't coincidence
I realized that its meant to be

I realized, its not misery
It's a challenge, something
I should be thankful of.
This sadness, this pain
It will be all worthy.

Im either good or bad
Im in between of hesitation
Im in between of pretending to be accepted
or Being me and be rejected.                                             
But then all I can do was to
is to sigh in goodness
Like that feeling
On how I first time
Saw the moon
Set its way.

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