Dotted Mind

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This day my mind works in the other way
I realized that people really can be cruel
If you have the power you could be someone
Someone who can also protect somebody
That somebody that is near to your heart

Today I realized that I should be the one
To protect this family
If other won't then I will
If my own father can't
Then I will
If that man can't do it
Then it must be me.

I'll create power
Not to harm other people
Not to get revenge from people
Who made us feel bad
But to protect those people who dear to me

I witness how my relatives look down on us.
I witness how our neighbors talk back on us
I witness those officials who tease my mom
They point finger to my mom
They made exaggerated stories about my mom
They talk bad about her
About the decisions she made

My mom is not perfect but she's human
The most emotional woman I've ever known
She easily gets through her emotions
She cried easily and believe easily
She gets easily pained
She's just so emotional

We're nothing in their eyes
We're nothing for now

But let this event in my life
Let the thing I witnessed
Be the fuel

I'll keep my mind
I'll build our reputations
I'll build our own power

Someday, you can't even point your finger to my mom
Someday you would not talk bad about her
Someday you'll see her as my mother
The one who raise me in the field
Full of people
Who intoxicated my mind

I don't mind power before
All I want is a good life
I don't mind reputation before
All I want is satisfaction

But witnessing someone's pointing their
Finger to my mom
Witnessing how they look down on us
Hey, people do you forget my existence?
I'll made sure your won't forget that I did exist.

Someday, ill gain that respect
The way you couldn't hurt my family
Specially my mom.

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