Prologue: The Usual

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I sit in my room. Doing the usual, watching anime, scrolling through my old cosplay posts. I sigh. 'Might as well just watch Jojo's... again,' I whisper. I turn on the TV.

My daily life has always been like this. Always sitting alone in my room, "in my own world" people say. I would be in a "world" with you people, if I had something to do there. With my parents always out adventuring, I have nothing to do, so I just do what "this" is!!!

Anyway, I'm gonna watch part 5. Just a little bit before I hit the sack.

☆ Timeskip: the entire part later

I hear the front door open. Must be my parents... wait.. my parents?! They weren't supposed to be home until.. 5 A.M!!! What time is it now..?! I check my phone. 5:57 it read. Oh. My. God. I HAVE SCHOOL TODAY!!

Might as well get ready, there's no point in sleeping now...

☆ Timeskip: On the way to school

I manage to finish breakfast, which is pretty new to me. I'm usually awake pretty late, especially from a night like that. I head out the front door, waving goodbye to my parents. And I'm off. No longer as ▉▉▉, but as Fischl! Prinzessin Der Verurteilung! Divine princess!! I smile confidently. A perfect way to start off the day, with a smile and bucket-loads of confidence!! Oh, there's Bennett. I'll go say hi.

{ End Scene. }

♡ - Notes
Alright this is my first time writing.. and I'm not used to auto-caps, because I use lowercase cuz it's cute. Anyway hope you enjoyed! I won't really have an upload schedule, so I'll just upload if I have a creative burst of what I think should happen! I did a lot of research on what Oz is, and Fischl's backstory. Hope you enjoyed this! I had so much fun writing this (^з^)-☆ also the Lisa card has nothing to do with this I just find her very pretty <33

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