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'Man maybe i'm really famous everyone's glaring at me' I think as i laugh inside and some come to take
pictures with me.

Later while coming out of the store.
'Man i'm tired' i think as i make my way out never thought taking pictures was tiring, finally getting out of
the store and i take a right to see him,kiyoshi an old friend from Japan it shocks me for a second but i
point at him n a shocked and so does he "What are you doing here?" We both say together "Man why
can't i be here i live here anyway but what about you?" I ask putting my hands down "well i came here to
visit this place with a friend" he replies "Ohh" i say with a smirk "Don't tell me did you came here to see
me because you miss me?" I ask still having the smirk in my face "No way" He says with a troubled face
"Anyway it's good to see you again though this maybe the last place i want to have a reunion with
anyone so why did you to came here?" I ask "You forgot? i came here to visi-" I interrupt "I'm talking
about this place where were standing right now" he then understands "And here i was thinking you were
forgetting things so fast" We share a laughter "Was just out for a walk" He says "So why didn't you tell
me if you were coming You completely forgot me?" I ask again "Well i kinda lost your number" He replies as i take his phone from his pocket and give him my number "Don't lose it again man ok?" I say "Ok but
it's good to see you again" He says as we share a hug "You grew taller no wonder you play basketball" I
say as i walk to my car "come to my home for a while" i say as he get onto the back sit but i call him in
the front sit.

Minutes later.
It's been some time of lot of discussion "It's just around the corner now" i say we reach my house and i
park my car and i pick the things i bought for the dinner and get into the house "Have your dinner here
alright?" I say as i push him to the kitchen and give him a sit and start the cooking.


Gigi dolin x male reader!!Where stories live. Discover now