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Next day in the morning Y/N's POV
'Damn it's cold
it really was cold in the december's but today's coldness is extra level i don't wanna move i'm sure i'm in
the blanket though' i think as i open my eyes from the sleep "What time is it it's dark outside though' i
think as i move my hand to the clock which i kept beside my bed and see it's 4:16 'Man what kind of
power did i get to wake up early today' i think as it suddenly starts raining "Ahh that would be the first
thing i would like at dark time" i say to myself to get off from my bed to the kitchen wearing my night
dress because my hands were cold so if i touch my body while changing my clothes i'll nearly die 'What
did he say yesterday by the way' I think.

Flashback (Yesterday)
"Y/N" kiyoshi says "Hmm?" I reply turning around to see him as i was cooking "I came here to play basketball
with my team" He says "Ohh" I say as i process in my mind "But i didn't lie where i said i came here to
visit the place" He says "Oke than when's your game?" i ask "On Saturday" He says "But we will need to win the preliminaries which is tomorrow my team will need to win two matches to go in the tournament so can you come tomorrow to watch us?" i says "Sure,there's no way i can't come right?"

'Ohh he said that so i've gotta do things early though it will be in the evening but it's better to be ready'.

Hours later at 10:00
I'm doing my usual routine eat and play until i get a call from kiyoshi. He asked me if i could help him with practice which i can't deny cause he's my friend and i like basketball 'He called me
now,then i should get going but where did he call me?' . I call him back and ask him the place and he
says the place where he stays but i don't know the place so i ask him to sent me his location.

3rd person POV
Y/N took his basketball shoes and hopped into his car and went to his
friend place

Minutes later
'I finally reached' i took my shoes and went into the gymnasium which he told
me, i go in to see i him.

Kiyoshi's POV
I turn around to see Y/N "Hey Y/N thank you for coming in short notice and what about the others?" (He
asked Y/N if he could bring some of their old basketball teammates) Y/N is making a troubled expression
at the question guess they turned him down "Uh-" i cut his words no longer he says that "They turned
you down didn't they" I say "Uh well yeah but i called a friend so no need to worry" He says.

It was ricochet i called but he isn't coming 'Should i call him again?but i might disturb him' i think as he finally comes "what took you forever?" i ask as he points behind him "her".

A/N- how you guys doing?

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