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Matthias stood, ready to begin to bomb the Grisha, determined to make everything wrong in his life right again. He knew trouble would come eventually, how soon... that was difficult to tell.

"Matthias." A cold, stern voice spoke.

"Well, hello Inej." Matthias sent her a glare, ready to strike.

He wasn't expecting someone else to join them. He assumed a simple dance with death would be all for the night. But when the brunette girl in a red kefta called his name...

"Helvar." Oh, Saints, please kill me now. 

"Witch." Matthias side-eyed glared at her, pulling out a sword. 

"Woah, love," Nina grinned at the reaction. "Let's think rationally here, yeah?"

"Rational Matthias has been dead for years." He jabbed the sword in her direction, which she instinctively sidestepped. "When YOU decided to betray me. Turn me in for something I didn't do!"

Nina sighed, and he felt sleepier.

"You witch!" He hissed, fighting off her magic.

She only sighed again. "Dearest Matthias, I've always liked seeing you in ropes, all tied up pretty for me."

"I am not for you." He seethed, his teeth gritted. He felt himself go limp, and like a rag doll, fall to the ground helplessly. 

"Really? You're already are falling for me." 

"Curse you- you- and all your- saints-" His eyes dropped, and soon he was unconscious.

Into a land of dreams, where he dreamt. Of her. And all the misery she had caused him. Leaving him in the cold snow, tied up. Hypothermia, and she said she had saved him.

However, a harsh slap brought him back, gasping for air as if he had been dunked underwater. He was covered in sweat, as if awoken from a nonexistent nightmare.

The room he was in was too hot, and Matthias couldn't breath.

"You selfish witch, how dare you call yourself a hero." Matthias sneered as Nina, who's dress swayed from unknown winds, watched him with a cautious eye.

"You brought this onto yourself, drüskelle. You wish to hunt me, a Grisha who saved you once upon a time—"

"By leaving me to die?"

"Matthias, what happened to us?" Nina sounded genuinely heartbroken, but Matthias wasn't one to fall for her mind tricks anymore.

"Don't use that on me, witch." Matthias said, shifting his hands from under the ropes, trying to break free. He knew it was useless. He would die in this room, the same room his nemesis sat in. "I say we fight this out. First to lose, well they'll be dead so they don't have a bargain. Winner gets to leave."

"Wouldn't that be nice?" Nina hummed, chewing her lip. "You're very... wanting, Matthias."

Matthias groaned. "Keep your dirty mind out of this."

"If you want me so much, just pin me to a wall. Feel the feel of my magnificent thighs, on either sides of your hip—"

"Enough!" Matthias said, not daring to look into the woman's eyes. He was frightened he would see what he had once seen, the love and admiration he had towards her. 

Before she had left him.

"It wasn't my fault, y'know?"

"Don't try to make amends. It won't work." 

Nina stared at Matthias for a good while, before sighing. Flicking her wrist, the temperature cooled to a room temperature, and Matthias eased himself slightly. 

"Good night, drüskelle. I do hope you will join us in the morning." 

forbidden love (helnik au)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt