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When Nina awoke the next morning, no one had found them, yet she was able to get the car running. She and Matthias dried their clothes, got dressed, and made their way back to Nina's place.

"We do not speak of last night," Matthias grumbled, taking his jacket off when they got inside.

"Oh, we do, unless you want me to turn you in?" Nina was, of course, not serious. She'd started to grow feelings for him, and it was obvious he had too. Whenever she'd flirt with him, she could sense his heart rate rise.

The ride back to her home was quiet, only filled with the occasional small talk. When Nina accidentally brushed his hand, it was freezing.

Nina took his hand with her free one, driving as she warmed his hand.

"What are you doing?" Matthias eyed her suspiciously.

"You're going to freeze." Nina glanced at him, rolling her eyes.

"Don't use your witch powers on me."

"And, we're back to the usual," Nina muttered.

Matthias pulled his hand away, crossing his arms and turning to look out the window.

"You're acting like a toddler." Nina scoffed before beeping the horn, "C'mon, use your fucking turn signal!" 

This caused Matthias to crack, starting to laugh loudly.

"This idiot is moving like a turtle!" Nina muttered, beeping the horn once again.

"Now, love, don't release your anger on innocent drivers." Matthias snickered.

"Innocent? This fucker doesn't know how to drive and is going to cause a car crash." She beeped at the car in front of her for the third time.

The car ended up turning onto a different road, this time using the turn signal.


"Nina! Where have you been?" Inej smiled, taking cookies out of the oven.

"Got stuck in the storm," Nina explained, taking her coat off.

Matthias went into the basement, saying nothing.

Nina followed him, "Y'know, my bed has an extra spot in it." She smirked.

"No." Matthias replied.

"Are you sure?" Nina asked, sitting on the floor beside him, "It's chilly down here."

For a minute, the two sat there in awkward silence, but then Matthias turned to her. "You're driving me crazy. I'm not supposed to feel this way about a witch, yet I do."

"What way?" Nina pried.

Matthias searched for the words, huffing in defeat when he couldn't figure out what he was trying to say.

Nina moved so that their lips were nearly touching, before she closed the gap between them.

forbidden love (helnik au)Where stories live. Discover now