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Nina awoke the following morning, she and Matthias as close to each other as they could be. Matthias's arms around her waist, his face in the crook of her neck. 

Matthias was underneath a large pile of blankets, with Nina underneath two (at most). Nina tried to squirm away but Matthias was dead asleep and not letting go.

"Matthias," Nina said, squirming.

"Love, it's still dark out," Matthias mumbled, tightening his grip.

"I have things to do."

"Sleep is more important."

"I never expected you to be the one to say that. Plus, I have to help Jesper today, he lives 4 hours from here. I'm driving down to help him with his proposal to Wylan." Nina explained.

"What shall I do today?" Matthias asked.

"Jesper wants to meet you, says he has five friends at most. Wanna come along?"


"We both have to get up then."

Matthias sighed, releasing his arms from around Nina's waist and sitting up in the bed. Nina turned on the lamp on her side of the bed, the room flooding with dim and gentle light.

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