A Not So Sweet Reunion

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The group walk back to their complex, minding the confused stares from passersby from the street. Despite the mass number of magical girls in Robloxia city, it still wasn't the most normal sight to see people carrying unconscious bodies around.
Missing people, however, were a lot more common.
As soon as they got in, Tanqr, realising how tired his arms were getting, looks around the area for any semblance of life.
"Where did you find those people again?" Kreek asks, as if reading Tanqr's mind. With his own deduction skills, he probably could if he tried.

"We found them down one of the alleys near one of the hotels, if I recall correctly." Ashley responds, looking around. "They might have moved, though."
The group continues walking through the complex. No noise, no nothing. It almost seems as if everyone's disappeared.
"Well, let's head there then." Tanqr gets out, kinda peeved from the walking. It wasn't as bad as yesterday, yet he's still just as tired.

Ashley leads the way with Hyper's help, although all of them know the complex well. Kreek stays reserved, hanging behind the group.
They pass by what looks to be a flat roofed apartment block, but the whole area looks dark. It almost looks abandoned, which is weird because this place is kept in top shape all the time, which makes this suspicious to Kreek. As soon as he walks up to it, he pulls out his soul gem and just nods.

"Yep, there's a witch here. On top, I reckon."

The whole group quickly get themselves transformed into their fighting outfits, Tanqr taking care not to drop James. Once they're all ready, they all individually jump onto the rooftop of the block. Well, actually, Tanqr doesn't. Tanqr decides to try and figure out the best way to get James and himself up without taking the massive jump and the possible drop, as if there's any way to do that. But as Hyper starts to look for the barrier, they're stopped by a sudden burst of light from the centre of the rooftop.

The air in front of them tears open, and out of the vortex comes - well more like thrown out - is three people. The feeling of a witch's presence subsides, but the three exitees look around. One with black hair and what looks like survival gear, one with a circular gear on his wrist and braided hair, and one with flaming hair and cape.

Oh, wait!

"Think, BigB, Preston!" Ashley waves to them. "Did you guys beat the witch?"

Preston and his group turn and wave back. Well, Preston and BigB do. Think just nods.

"Yeah, we did." Think answers, sounding mildly annoyed. "Finalists, right?"

"Yes, that's us!" Ashley chuckles, pointing to herself and the others.

"Fun. Did that KreekCraft guy ever recover, or is he dead or something?" Think sounds somewhere between snarky but also joking about a little. BigB nudges him lightly, whispering to Think to "be nice!".

"I'm right here!" Kreek waves frantically, dragging attention to himself. Takes the attention away from Tanqr managing to jump up to the rooftop, despite trying not to.

"Oh, right!" Think chuckles a little, winking. "So you came out unharmed, it seems."

"Yes, I did!" Kreek responds, just as humorous. "Got a bit scarred, but I'm fine, promise!" He pulls out finger guns, trying to seem chipper as always.

Think immediately rolls his eyes, seeing this before in himself.

"Sounds like you've got pent up emotion to deal with." He looks away, ignoring Kreek's cry of "WHAAT?? No I don't!"

"Wow, Justin with the call outs." Preston teases, once again pulling out an apple and chewing it. He's oddly casual.

Despite the banter, Think goes back to being serious. He flicks his hair back, obviously uncomfortable with it being out in front. If he really just got long hair as part of his magical girl outfit, no wonder.

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