Hwang Min and fake announcement.

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Few hours ago...at Vincenzo's house.

"Joong Ki, Cha Young cannot be his daughter because-" Tae Suk was about to say, when *rings* Joong Ki's phone vibrate and it was an anonymous call, but the number was from Italy. It must have been a call, for which he had been waiting for, as he even interrupted his dad, apologized and moved to the balcony to attend it.

Meanwhile, Tae Suk's secretary also called him and when he received it, he spoke," Sir, we have to board the flight now...they already delayed the meeting for so long, on our request, but now if you didn't come, it will be too late for us to get the new date for it! Please Sir, I request you!" His secretary's voice was bit worried.

Now he was stuck badly between clearing his son's misbelief and to move out right now for the airport, or if it will too late, it won't be good! He paused for a moment, trying to think what could be the best at this time,

But looking at Joong Ki, quite immersed in the call, he decided to leave from there, thinking that he will call him only.

He walked out, but Joong Ki didn't noticed it. After an hour talk, was over, he came back inside, only to find that dad was already gone.

He didn't gave much thought to it, because he was already quiet frustated after the call, coz lately, Mariano's have been obstructing a lot and what's more annoying that no info. Is there regarding them. This time, he only got to know, that they aren't the native Italians and that they have migrated from Asia only.

He went to his room to have some hours of sleep, as it was 2a.m. by now and he has to do some really important things after few hours.

Present time.

Min Jae prepares himself for the upcoming meeting. He wore a new suit, and calls his sec to arrange, a big bouquet of fresh flowers and some gifts to bring along.

The secretary came exactly at 10 with the car at Min Jae's at house, and from there, they both went to the 'Hwang Min Law Firm.' Followed by some more cars behind them, to show his power and status.

When he reached there, having huge gifts in his hands, guards behind him, walking through the hallway to the CEO's office, all the people were amazed to see, as one day before only, he was taken in custody because of this firm, and now he bringing gifts!

As he entered in the office, he prepared a big smile and came with open arms as if the deal is already done. There CEO Hwang Min and his father, 'Chairman Hwang Ru hyun,' were present.

Ru Hyun gave him a handshake and invited him to sit comfortably. As soon he sat, Hwang Min spoke up, with an impressed tone,"What an unbelievable fate!" He laughs.

"You turned out be my beloved's father, Abunim! What you said in the morning sounded totally fake, till you send those photos and the records of Cha Young. If I had known this before, I would have just directly contacted you, instead of her."

At this, Min Jae laughs loudly, " Not many people knows that Cha Young is my daughter. She had been always competitive and competent, that she refused to take any of my help and even refused to tell anyone that she and I are related. She always want to achieve whatever by herself only!"

"So Mr. Choi Min Jae, shall we discuss the real thing now?!"
"I just want to see my son happy...and if his happiness is your daughter, I can do nothing then to marry my son with her."

"And now that you have agreed, shall we discuss further now?!" Hwang Ru Hyun, interrupted them, to bring everyone straight to the point.

Min Jae clears his throat and says,"Well, Chairman, that's why I am here! Why don't we give rise to a new partnership and forget everything that was in the past!" He smirks...

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