The unforgettable night...

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Some days later.

It got really hectic now a days as the date for the trial was about to come and that many other problems that are bigger than this is advancing simultaneously with it.

And because of that, most of their time was spent in office or either in meetings. Bum Yoo joined them back but Vin just kept him usually off the hook as it's still not clear who the intruder is.

The work load is this much that many a times they even have to pull all nighter to meet the deadline coz for a week when Vin was gone, everything got hold for a while.

And the same scene is today also.

Cha and Vin had been in office since yesterday, and only left once to get changed and to freshen up, while all Vincenzo's things were present there only, coz before it turned to an office, Vin always used to stay here everytime he visited Korea.

It already got dark.

And today also, they were still in office, working hard to complete the files, while the stress was loading up continuously, but as they were began to discuss about the confidential things, Vincenzo therefore allowed Bum Yoo to leave early.

And now it's just two of them, working and working on their respective desks, while it got really irritating for both of them as all the work load was on their shoulders.

But still Vin managed to hide but, Cha vents it all out by banging the table out of frustration occasionally when things don't work out having intense mood swings sometimes that even scared Vincenzo for a second and while this was going on, her stomach started feeling weird and so she decided to take a toilet break for a while.

Her body was so tired that with much difficulty she, just somehow was able to sit on the seat for sometime.

While she was sitting there, some minutes later, she felt as if something started.

She got alerted and checks if what she was thinking is right or not, because it's not the time for them to start now!

She checks and unfortunately, her fear come to reality and bangs her head on the side of the wall whining, because it wasn't supposed to start rn!

And that too, her periods get so freaking heavy the moment they starts and makes her nauseated everytime.

After  some moments of cursing them to start this early, she checks on her bag, but remembers that all her things are back in the office, and she isn't really comfortable to talk about her periods with men, because in past she was really open, but didn't really had a good experience everytime she talked about her periods with any guy.

She was just having her phone rn and couldn't even leave from there, as in the meantime, the bottom of the seat, was already covered in red pretty much and also her outfit was totally white.

And all what She needed rn was her bag, that was back there and the only person that could bring it to her is HIM only!

So after much thinking about what will he thought about her, asking her bag in the toilet suddenly, but then, just called him and asked him to bring her bag to her.

He didn't got why she was asking for it suddenly, but then not thinking more about it, he just quietly walked to the washroom and handed her.

After getting the bag, she was relieved and starts searching for a pad.

But soon her relief turned to even more stress, when she spread all the things in her bag on the floor, the bag was fully empty, but there was NO PAD!

Her breath stopped for a moment at this discovery and she remembers that last time yeah she used the one and forgot to put another back in.

The Tale Of Vincenzo Cassano And Hong Cha Young...Where stories live. Discover now