Ganon (MimicMarco's Perspective)

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No time to waste. His iPad had a laser device that would be helpful to defeat Ganon. But he had to get there first. Good thing Faron and the spring of courage was just south of the east gate. "Out of the way please!" He ran and ran and ran until he finally reached the spring. He pet his lizaflos Thunder and ran inside. The iPad was just where he left it! Wait. The normally green things on his iPad were purple. And where was the laser app? The only app shown was an app he didn't have! It read, "PLANTBLIGHT GANON" He clicked it, and suddenly a beast with a purple body, one eye, and a knife for one-hand appeared but not on the iPad! He drew the Faron knife and stabbed it. Ugh. But it was good. It was slicing and stabbing constantly. He couldn't land a hit. Suddenly the monster stopped and lightning charged along its back. It fell down, revealing Thunder. Thunder, and his electric horn.

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