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*Michael's POV (cont'd)*
We all sat there for a while, making our usual jokes. I wasn't really going to miss this too much; just seeing them around every day. But that's why there's something called inviting people over for a party or sleepover or whatever you do when you have friends present.

I took my phone out and went onto twitter, looking through my mention list and seeing a tweet that stood out; "Mashton is my life. PLEASE TWEET ME IF IT'S REAL OMG @Michael5SOS @5SOS x1742". I shook my head and I DM'ed them, saying "It's real, but things have happened around here lately and it hasn't been so good." I then clicked out of the DM thingy and tweeted to our fans from the band account. "Thanks for all the love lately! Band's taking a break though. You're all lovely. -M" and then I shut my phone off, sighing.

The other boys didn't seem to notice, but I could see Calum eyeing me up. He got up and motioned for me to follow him; we ended up in the spare bedroom.

"What was that tweet about?" He asked me softly, with a slight frown on his face.

"I.. Um.. It's true that we're taking a "break," isn't it? So I'm only tweeting the truth."

Calum crossed his arms. "I see... Yes it's the truth, so I get that we shouldn't lie to our fans."
"Yeah." I sigh once again, looking down at the floor.

Calum sighs as well and uses a finger to lift up my chin. "Michael, it's okay. I....I actually agree with you. Maybe this break will be a good thing. Not sure what the fans will think though but we'll worry about that later. We'll tell them everything, but not right now. Hopefully they won't take it too hard; we can't afford to lose any of them."

I nod and look up. "That's true....They're the best fans in the world, and it would break my heart if we lost any of them. Maybe we should clear that up right now?"
"Yes we should. Go back onto the band's twitter, and tell them mate."

I nod again and turn my phone back on, only to have my notifications blown up both from the fan I DM'ed and also replies to the tweet I posted on the band account. I quickly tweet, "Now, don't take this in a bad way please. We love you all and can't afford to lose you. Real bands save fans, real fans save bands. -M" and I shut my phone off again. I look at Calum and smile slightly.

"You did it?" He asks.

"Yes. Like I said.. Can't afford to lose any of them." and then Calum wraps an arm around my waist, and we walk out of the room together.

When we come out, we bump into Luke and his eyes go wide.

"What the hell is this about? Malum now? Should I tell Ash?" He frowns slightly, and shakes his head before going into the room that him and Calum share.

I sigh and make Calum let go of me before going into the living room to find Ash passed out on the couch. I sit next to him and cuddle with him until I fell asleep, not really caring what Calum did or where he went.

------------------ NEXT MORNING ---------------

*Luke's POV*
I woke up, and remembered that I was angry with Calum. Yeah, I know it was just a friendly gesture, but you can never be too careful. Hell, they probably kissed or something. I laid there staring at the ceiling, and thinking everything over. I continued to lay there for the next few minutes before deciding to get up and get dressed. I figured I'd go out to get my mind off things, so I did just that.

I didn't hear anyone who was obviously awake, not even Calum (who was in a deep sleep next to me) so it made it easier to sneak away and go for a walk by myself. I was sure that nobody would care if I disappeared anyway, as my family barely cares so why would the three boys care too? I shook my head and opened the door slowly so that it wouldn't creak, and slipped out into the dark hallway.

Why am I worried? I shouldn't be worried. Nobody actually cares. You could disappear somewhere and they wouldn't notice. Why am I thinking so much about this? It doesn't matter who you are in this world...you're somehow irrelevant and you're gonna die soon. That's the one thought that lingered on my mind as I made it outside and started walking down the street, not really caring about who was out and about at 2 in the morning. I sighed and stared at the empty road that was before me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2016 ⏰

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