Imagine- Loki

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*Imagine you being in a "dream" with Loki*
"You aren't real!" You screeched at Loki as you run outside to his balcony. This man who called himself a "god" has kidnapped you from Earth and is now demanding you to marry him... Is he crazy?!?! "Y/N just listen to-" "No Loki you listen to me. I am a Christian woman, and in case you don't know what that is, it means that I will always believe in one God and one God alone. Which means you don't exist. Which means your proposal isn't real. Which means this magnificently beautiful place... is only a dream." You say with a sad sigh as you look pass the balcony you were standing on at the place Loki called Asgard.

Expecting to hear Loki chime in his voice of reason, you were surprised when nothing was said for the next few minutes. Exasperated at it being too quiet for your taste, you turn towards Loki to find him standing no more than a foot from you.
You let out a small gasp, and was about to ask him why he was so close but he spoke before you could.

"Then wake up Y/N" he says softly. "If this is a dream like you say, then wake up and prove me wrong. Go on," he says encouragingly when he sees you just standing there, "Wake up. Do whatever you mortals do to wake up from a nightmare. Go on Y/N, wakeup. I just suggest that you don't jump off the balcony, because that will look bad on my part. Especially since I am already wanted for many crimes." He mutters to himself, focusing off of you for a moment. "How about I just lay down in your bed, if you don't mind that is." Loki gives you small smirk as he says, "If you think it'll work, by all means." "It will, trust me." You say determinedly as you practically march your way over to his bed. You reach the bed, and am about to pull the sheets back, but Loki beats you to it. Surprised, you look over to Loki in question. "If this is your last night here, I might as well send you off the easiest way I know how to."
"Which is?" You question smartly, as you climb into the cozy bed. "Being a gentleman," he says simply.

You look at him shocked, wishing for the briefest of moments, that this man was real.

"Any last requests before you leave?" Loki questions smartly as he tucks you in carefully. You ponder over his question as he sits on the edge of his bed, looking at you as he does.
You smirk at him deviously as a "last request" strikes your head. "Yes Loki, I have one." "Yes, what is it?" "Kiss me?" And without a moments hesitation, Loki throws off the sheets that were once covering you, pulls you into his arms, and starts kissing you. It was slow at first, almost as if he was familiarizing himself with the feel of your lips. But then there was the slightest movement that made the kiss heated in seconds. It was something that started off so simple, but became so heated that it had you cleaving to the man's trench coat? Whatever! All you know is that you were desperate to make Loki as real as you could.
All good things must come to an end though. And before you knew, you and Loki were both pulling away for air. Eyes closed, you rest your forehead against Lokis and-without thinking- say, "Why can't you be real?" Loki gives off a low chuckle as you lay back down in the bed, ready to leave this place you so desperately wished was real.
Loki finally opens his once closed eyes to look at you. "I am my dear, you just need to wakeup and realize it." He says softly, stroking your cheek as he does.

You give a heavy sigh, but don't say anything. Instead you close your eyes and prepare yourself for reality. But not before you hear Loki say, "Beautiful... So beautiful."

A/N: So I might make this into a second part, but don't hold your breath because I have no idea what to right next....Let your imagination go wild with this one I guess

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