Imagine - Adam

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This Imagine was for my Instagram follower @natashaw90 (I hope you enjoy it!!)
You were over at Adams house once again for your music lesson on the guitar. In all honesty, you were improving greatly; but Adam would never admit that. He was being very stubborn when you first asked him if he would teach you. And it was to the point where he was being so stubborn in not teaching you, that you threatened to take away his blood pops if he didn't start teaching you within the hour. That must of struck a nerve, because the next thing you knew you were learning how to play guitar.

Finishing up lesson six, you were pretty proud of the progress you've made. Gingerly though you hand Adam his guitar back, and then collapse onto his couch which was directly behind you.
You lay your head back and wait patiently for your boyfriend to return from his room.

Yes yes in case you all haven't gathered, I am dating Adam. Who-by the way- I know to be a vampire. So before you go all medieval on me and send townspeople out to stake him for keeping me "hostage" in his flat, let me clear it up now that I am fully aware of my decision in dating Adam. Okay?

As you vent over how horrible people are, you suddenly feel lips on the base of your neck. "You have improved my dear," Adam mumbles as he continues to leave little kisses all over your neck. "Hmmm I'm glad you've noticed," you say softly; not really caring for words at the moment. "Being my only student, I think anyone would notice your improvement." You hear him mumble as he bury's his face into your hair. You give a soft chuckle as he goes back to your neck. "Always the charmer," you state teasingly.

Though without warning, Adam suddenly rakes his fangs down your neck. Resulting in a gasp followed by a soft moan from you. "Don't tease me like that Adam," you say defeated as you pull away from him. He knew how much you wanted to be like him, and yet he did stuff like that as if to rub it in your face that you clearly weren't.
Feeling put off, you decide to just leave for the night. Just as you were about to open his door though, you feel him grab your wrist and pull you softly towards him. Even though you were suppose to be mad at him for teasing you, you couldn't help but just fall into his arms and start crying? "Its not fair Adam! You know how much I love you and how much I want to be like you. Not so I can be just another cool vampire, but because I don't want to loose you due to my old age. I am terrified of losing you Adam; utterly terrified. Because you are the only person I consider family. So why can't you just accept that?" You question hopelessly, pulling back to look at his face as you do.

In the year and a half that you have known Adam, you have never seen him smile. But as you looked up at him, you were amazed to see just that; Adam smiling. "F/N M/N L/N you have somehow worked your way into my life. And as the days pass, I just want you by my side day and night. But I have realized that that dream will never become reality unless you are like me. So," he says getting down on one knee as he does. "Y/N, I promise to change you, but only if you promise to be forever mine." The once sad tears that you shed for this man, were now tears of joy as you look at him happily. He didn't have a ring to present you with, or even an empty ring box. Heck! He didn't even ask you properly,but that was more than fine with you. "Yes Adam," you say happily through tears, "Yes, I promise."

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