Imagine- Tom

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**Imagine You and Tom at College**

"Can we take the elevator today? My feet are just done with walking."

"Ehehehe sure sweety, but you know that the wait will be long so I hope your feet can stand the extra standing time."

"Of coarse Tom." You say with a smile as he intertwines his fingers with yours.

It was the end of yet another busy day at college, and you were just ready to collapse on the coach and snuggle with your amazing boyfriend-Tom.
Approaching the elevator, you see a long string of people standing in front of it, and internally groan. Somehow sensing your frustration, Tom looks down and gives you a smug smile. You just nudge him in the side, before making your way to the end of the line. "Were not going to make the first wave Y/N," Tom says softly as everyone in front of you start to walk forward and onto the elevator. "Maybe we will--okay nevermind you were right." You say miserably as you watch the elevator doors close in front of you.
Everyone in front of you somehow managed to squeeze into the small tin can that is the elevator... except you and Tom; you two were next in line for the next wave.

Leaning your head on Tom's shoulder, you give a heavy with as people begin to form a line behind you. Several minutes later, the elevator doors finally open once again. Happy that you are one more step closer to relaxing with Tom, you practically pull him into the elevator at the sign of there being no people in there.

Hands still locked, you both watch amused as people try to cram their way into the small area. Surprisingly everyone who was waiting in line managed to squeeze into the elevator... That is everyone except one.

Stopping the doors from sliding shut, a breathless man with a rather large cart scans the crammed area for any signs of room, "Im sorry, but could a few of you step out and wait for the next wave? I know its an inconvenience, but Im already running late for something and I need to get this cart down stairs to a professor asap."

You watch as a few people in the front look at each other in question, before reluctantly stepping out to make room. Nodding his head in thanks, the man turns the cart and himself around begins to slowly back into the elevator. Everyone except you and Tom press themselves against the walls of the elevator in hopes that it will create more room for the breathless stranger. As the man continues to back up, you realize that in order for him to fit, you and Tom were going to need to separate.

Somehow-again-sensing your thoughts, Tom squeezes your hand more tightly; restricting you from letting go. Quickly looking up at him, you see him smile, before taking a step to his right. Understanding what he's doing, you take a step to your left; but you know that in order for it not to be awkward, you will have to let go of his hand. Letting your hand go limp in Tom's tight grip you begin to tug at it in attempts to pull it free, but Tom wouldn't let go. Instead, he brings your joined hands up over the mans head and onto his cart.

Bewildered, you look over the strangers head- who in turn was also looking over at Tom in what you imagined would be a confusion to match your own- to your boyfriend who was smiling broadly at you in return.

"Uhm excuse me, but I hope Im not in your guys way," the man with the cart says sarcastically. Annoyed that he would say what he did in that tone, you were about to give him a peace of your mind, but without missing a beat Tom says in his sweet gentleman-like voice, "Sorry man, but we're in love."

Doors finally opening onto the third floor, the man scoffs before him and everyone else pushes out of the elevator. Doors closing once again, you rip your hand from Toms in embarrassment before turning to confront him. Quickly though, he whips around and grabs your flustered into his warn hands.

"Oh no my dear, you cant be mad at me," he said in a hushed voice. "Because I know that you loved that." Before you can correct him or even get a word in edge wise, he bends down and plants a soft tantalizing kiss onto your lips. Pulling away, you lean your forehead against his before saying, "Oh how I hate when you are right." Laughing, he pulls away, grabbing ahold of your hand in his as he does.

"I know darling, I know."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2020 ⏰

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