forcing my eyelids to open in the morning during a hangover should be a sport.
forcing them open only for them to keep closing while enduring this horrible headache? olympic medal worthy.
it's not better that the sunlight rays are forcing themselves into my room through my curtains making my eyes feel a burning sensation.
after about nearly five minutes of opening and closing them repeatedly, i could finally stare at my ceiling with no problem.
and that's what i do for the next hour and a half: stare at my ceiling.
my mind, surprisingly remembering the events of last night just replaying over and over again. ranging from pole dancing in the limo and playing smash at homecoming, to the argument between tweek and i shattering our relationship.
and that fucking look on his face. the amount of hurt and rage he had built up looking at me...that is something i will never forget.
"fuck," i lay my arms over my eyes to prevent myself from crying again. i would have thought all the water in my body has been drained by now by all the crying i have done but it just keeps coming.
i hear my phone ping and i jolt up reaching over to grab it from my dresser, hoping it's tweek.
spoiler alert: it wasn't. it was something way more overwhelming than that.
so many different texts from people all clogging my notifications.
red 🍎🍒🍓 (5) : pls tell me you are ok craig im worried sick u passed out last night
token (10): red told me u passed out last night so i know it's going to be a while until u wake up but just lmk when u do
pervert mccormick: bro u good?
dad: Take out the trash.
fatass cartman 🖕: just to let you know you are NEVER playing spin the bottle at my fucking party again you buzzkill
i sigh reading every single one not even feeling like responding to anyone even though i probably should respond to token and red to let them know i'm at least alive.
i look at the time and it reads 5:24pm.
"jesus the day is almost gone and i have school tomorrow," i groan, my sleep schedule is going to be fucked.
then as if matters weren't already worse, satan decides to bust through the door, "you look like a rat's ass."
i just look at her, not in the mood to argue with that demon child.
she looks at me confused, probably wondering why i didn't say anything back and then says, "dinner is ready so come down."
i just nod and she quickly closes the door. i then decided to text both red and token in the group chat telling them im okay and i don't feel like talking right now.
token: well when u do we'll be here
red: 🍓🍒🍎: ^^^
me: thanks
deciding to finally face the outside world, i slowly get up and make my way downstairs to the dinner table where everyone is already eating.
i sit in my designated spot without making a word and just stare at the table with all the food.
i honestly don't have the appetite to eat anything.
it's silent for a few moments before my dad clears his throat saying, "it's nice of you to join the world son. all you've been doing is sleeping all day."
"yeah," is all i say keeping my eyes glued to the table.
another seconds of silence pass, "you break up with your boyfriend today?"
my eyes slowly raised up to meet him staring across from me. he asks me every dinner and every dinner i would say no.
but today is different, obviously.
my throat started to feel tight as i say, "he broke up with me."
next thing i knew i hear a gasp from my sister and silverware dropping to their plates.
my dad's surprised expression morphs into a conniving, evil grins as he says, "well i'll be damned."
i waited outside my house for thirty minutes waiting for chris to pick me up.
i couldn't help myself but stare at craig's house right across the street from me.
i kept worrying, wondering if he's okay. then it would change to me being mad at myself for being concerned for him.
"g-god snap out of i-it," i whisper to myself changing my field of vision to the squirrels running on the ground and up trees.
i sigh and look at my wrist watch wondering where chris was, it's currently 5:30 and he said he was gonna be here at 5:00.
maybe he's stuck in traffic, i mean north park is pretty far.
another five minutes of squirrel watching goes by before a huge ford truck pulls up in front of me nearly making me fall backwards.
holy shit.
chris' face is revealed as he rolls down the window with a dazzling smile, "hey blondie, you need a ride?"
for a second i forget how to properly speak english, ""
chris laughs before motioning his head for me to hop into the passengers seat and so i do.
if the truck wasn't big on the outside, it was huge on the inside.
it was ginormous and it looked brand new.
i kept looking at everything in awe before i hear chris laughing again, "you like her?"
i snap out of it and look at him confusingly at the question, "her? i'm g-gay."
chris busts out laughing and my cheeks feel like hot.
"you are so funny, blondie. i mean my truck — her name is lucy," chris says gesturing to his truck.
i cover my face with my hands, "g-god i'm so e-embarrassing."
i feel chris' hand slowly remove them as he stares at me endearingly, "you are not. what would've been embarrassing is if you were straight."
i smile and giggle at that, "n-no kidding."
"sorry i was late," chris apologizes, "you know north park is so far away and i lost track of time."
"o-oh, it's okay d-don't worry," i tell him, feeling bad for wondering why he was late.
chris just smiles and then leans over towards the back seat and grabs a bouquet of beautiful flowers, "i also got you these."
i stare at them and then at chris, "o-oh my d-didn't have to....t-they're so stunning t-thank you."
he hands them over to me saying, "i wanted to. beautiful flowers for a beautiful boy! also wanted to see that smile after yesterday you know?"
i just nod, heart still feeling heavy from that.
"but hey, we're gonna have so much fun tonight and you're gonna forget all about it and that dumb boy."
i stare at him again, nearly wincing at "dumb boy" because craig isn't dumb, he makes dumb decisions but he's the smart person i know.
i close my eyes, there i go again worrying about him.
"y-yeah, we're g-gonna have fun," i say determined to have so much fun that last night feels like a distant memory.
"that's it," chris smiles putting the car in gear, "let's roll."

"Boyfrenemies" Vol. 2
Fanfictiontweek and craig are now in high school! their relationship seems to be quite comfortable between the two. until one day, a boy from North Park spots tweek and becomes infatuated, realizing he wants him to himself and will do anything and everything...